Quick Kiss

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(Autumn POV)

 I walk into the dance studio at school not nearly as excited for ballet class as I usually am. Because i had to stay an hour late with those juveniles in detention yesterday, I got a late start on my homework and ended up falling asleep while studying for my math test.

 "Whoa, someone needs coffee." Serena says as i sit down with her on the floor as we lace up our ballet fats.

 I smiled softly and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up. "Well you would be tired too if you didn't fall asleep until 1 something in the morning."

 Serena gave me a sheepish smile as i stretched out my muscles to prepare for our class. I watch as she scrolls through her iPod not really interested in anything else going on around her. Serena was put in this class because Zumba was filled. She absolutely hates it but there's not thing she can do about it.

 As I stand up to stretch out my legs, a pair of hands cover my eyes and begin pulling me backwards. I stumble over my feet and struggle as i feel myself being pulled a few feet away before we finally stop and the hands removes their selves from my face.

 I turn to find my boyfriend Daniel standing behind me wearing a smirk. He changes our position so that I'm wedged in the corner of the room while he towers over me.

 'What are you doing in here, class starts in ten minutes and you have to be in a completely different building." I say as he intertwines our hands.

 "I know, but I wanted to check on you first. I called you last night and you didn't answer, I was starting to get worried." He says as he scrunches up his eyebrows in a concerned way.

 I smile as that fluttery feeling fills my stomach. "I had my phone on vibrate because i was studying. I was so tired i didn't even hear it."

 Daniel nods. "You obviously didn't get much sleep." He says rubbing his thumb against my cheek, a feeling of electricity runs through me and i try hard not to shiver. Daniel smirks and leans into me slowly, i feel his breath against my lips before we're actually touchin

 Now the fluttery feeling and the shock of electricity came back to me in a tidal wave, roaring over my body making my hands shake slightly. I hate it when he does this to me because I’m completely vulnerable. And if there's one thing that i hate the most, it's being vulnerable. At this moment someone could have told me that the building was on fire and i would not care as long as I'm still kissing Daniel.

 "Ahem," We hear a voice say.

 Daniel steps back to reveal Mrs. Clark, my ballet teacher. I feel my face heat up as Daniel bites his lip to hide his smile.

 "Save the PDA for somewhere other than my class room." She says giving us a playful wink.

 Daniel chuckles lightly. "Sorry Mrs. Clark, it won't happen again." He turns to me and slowly releases my hand. "I'll see you later Autumn."

 I wave goodbye and watch for minute as he heads for the door and leaves with five minutes until the bell rang. I finish my stretching and walk over to Serena who's giving me a sly smirk.

 "Damn girl, i wondered when you two would come up for air." She says.

 I roll my eyes and ignore as Mrs. Clark takes her spot at the front of the room. She begins stretching and we follow her lead, stretching every muscle in our body to its full extent. My body is slowly calming down from Daniel's kiss. We've been dating for two months now and I still haven't gotten used to him.

 He's a freaking Greek God and I'm dating him, guess i can have my cake and eat it too.

 Soon we were practicing our ballet routine and i was lost in the art of dance. I loved Global Arts Academy, there were so many options. From ballet, to zumba, to singing, to acting. It was a win win situation and i felt as if i excelled in everything.

 But that can suck sometimes because sometimes our principal calls on me to 'babysit' the delinquents in detention. I'm worth way more than that, why should i spend my time with juveniles? Especially Craig and Chris, those two really piss me off. They think they're the shit for no apparent reason; it's really stupid if you ask me.

 That's why i kind of wanted Ray to teach them a lesson yesterday, but i knew it would get in trouble if i let them pummel each other to death. So i broke it up, but one day Craig and Chris are going to go too far and get a taste of their own medicine.


 Once ballet was over, I waved by to Serena and headed to math. Regular class plus artistic classes really tire me out by the end of the day. I go into class to find that we have a sub. YES! No test for us until Thursday.

 I head to my usual seat near the back and sit down. Opening up my notebook, I begin doodling in the margins and making weird sketches. A few minutes later, I feel my arm get poked with a pencil. I turn slightly and look to see Domo...i mean Ray, staring at me.

 He leans forwards so that i can hear him better over the loudness of the ratchet people in class.

 "I just wanted to thank you for saving my butt yesterday. Only God knows what kind of damage Craig would have done on me if you hadn't intervened." He spoke so softly i wasn't sure at first if he was speaking at all.

 I smile softly. "You're welcome, I hate Craig and Chris anyway so I was glad to help."

 Rays smile, a tiny smirk that is barely visible and disappears before i could even blink. He breaks our eye contact and goes back to whatever he was drawing on his book bag. I watch him for a minute, realizing that was the first time i had ever seen him really smile.

 Maybe he's not as shy as people think. ;)

(Sorry for errors :P)


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