Lunch Brawl

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 (Chresanto's POV)

 I walked into class 15 minutes late. My teacher, Mrs. Reed turned to me with her hands planted on her hips and a glare on her face. She glanced at the clock tapping her foot, i glanced at it too and gave her a blank look.

 "You're fifteen minutes late Chresanto." She tells me marking my name on her clipboard.

 "Mrs, you know everyone calls me Chris." I say angrily. I'm tired of people struggling to say my name or not pronouncing it right so i just shortened it.

 She glares at me. "And you know that I hate when people are late. Take a seat, now."

 I roll my eyes and stroll through the rows until i find a seat near Craig. He gives me a fist bump as i sit down and he leans over to me. "You're late, again."

 "Yeah i know, I was getting down with Vanessa. The girl was clinging to me, she literally wanted to skip class and continue what we started." I say grinning, even if some of it was a lie. She was all over me but she was the one who wanted to stop even though i practically pleaded to keep going. But i wasnt going to tell Craig that. I look over at him and he has huge eyes.

 "Damn bro," He says impressed. 

 I smile smugly. Vanessa and I are just a play thing, we flirt, we use eachother, but we're not an item. "Yeah but you know, i dont get down like that. Had to let her down gently, but she'll be back."

 Mrs. Reed turns around and locks her eyes on mine. "Chris, I'm only going to ask this once. Be quiet or you both have detention with me at the end of the say."

 I made a face at her as she turned around towards the board. Craig laughed as we opened our text books to the assigned pages. Halfway through the lesson I heard some weird noise, i look over to Craig to see that he drew stick figures of me and Vanessa on his fingers and was making them kiss. He made wet kissing noises like they were having a full on make out session and i bit my lip hard to keep in the laughing.

 "Come on big daddy, lets go to your house." Craig whispered in a high voice.

 That broke me, i exploded with laughter so hard i couldn't even cover my mouth in time to hold it back. Tears were forming and the sounds that i was making were not normal. I could feel everyone turn to look at me, some people snickered and others just stared.

 Then Prodigy started laughing which only made me laugh harder. I heard the clicking of heels heading my way and i knew i was about to be busted. A yellow slip was placed on my desk before Mrs. Reed simply walked away.

 I finally calmed down my laughing and looked at the slip. A detention slip, of course! This would make the third one i've gotten this week. Craig had one one too, he crumpled it and tossed it into the trash can like he was Kobe or something. I shrugged and threw it over my shoulder, knowing Mrs. Reed would discover it later.

 Staring at the clock i begin counting down the minutes until lunch.

When lunch finally came around we headed into the cafeteria, glancing at other peoples trays to see if the food was edible today. I casually glance over my shoulder to find a line of fine girls walking a few feet behind us. I was about to tell Craig we should hit them up when suddenly i feel warmth on my shirt and neck. I look down to see brown gravy and mashed potatoes smeared across the front of my body. In front of me stood that kid with the afro, Jacob i think his name was.

 "I'm sorry I-uh, this guy just- he um," Jacob stuttered. Craig and I smirked, this kid was pathetic. What's wrong with him? That heavy ass accent must mess up his speech pattern. I didn't give him a chance to finish before i pushed him hard, sending him flying backwards and crashing to the floor.

  Craig started laughing hard as we watch the puff ball wince in pain. I shook my head at his weakness and stepped over him, dragging my foot across his side roughly. Before i could get too far away, a hand gripped my shoulder and spun me around. A fist connected with my face painfully and i hit the floor.

 "Shit," I mutter touching the place on my lip that was stinging. I looked at my fingers to see blood dripping from them. I looked up to see Jacob standing over me with his fist clenched and a face filled with mixed emotions.

 I jumped up and took the kid by the shirt and punched him right in the nose thinking that would set him right but he kept fighting back which was unusual. I looked at Craig and he nodded in understanding. We grabbed Jacob by his arms and started swinging at his stomach, there was a crowd growing behind us cheering on the fight.

 Chris was about to go for one final blow when some kid with 2 braids and a hat pulled him from behinds and grabbed his neck. They fell to the floor and i was in complete shock at this scrawny kid’s strength. His hat flew off his head and slid across the floor, stopping at some girl's feet.

 Jacob struggled to get out of my grip and i choked him so hard that tears began to form in his eyes.

 Suddenly the doors flew open and the principal walked in. I gulped hard and let Jacob go, he dropped to the floor gasping for air. Craig and two braids stopped fighting and looked up at Principal Roberts with surprised faces.

 "My office, now!" He yells, his voice echoing through the cafeteria. Everyone flinched at his voice and my anger boiled. This stupid puff ball caused everything, now I'm probably going to get suspended...again! 

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