Shush Shay

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(Serena POV)

 "What the hell is that!?" My mother exclaimed when I walked into the house. Her eyes quickly hardened and zeroed in on the baby carrier hanging from my arm. "Who's baby is that Serena? Don't even think about letting one of your ghetto friends move in with her crying baby."

 I sighed and set down the carrier. "It's fake mom, FAKE! It's a project for school." I lift the baby out the carrier and cradle her in front of my mother. She cocks her head to the side and takes the baby by the foot, shaking it and examining it all over.

 Before i know it the baby begins crying and my mother jumps, throwing the baby back to me. "Oh God, the dolls they have out these days."

 "I know right," I say bouncing the doll and patting her back to calm her down. After a few seconds the crying stops and I set her back down in the her seat.

 My mother watches me with a disgusted look on her face. "Why would they give such a stupid project like this? The last thing you need is a distraction from school work, you need solid A's to get into Howard University. You're dream school," She says smiling at me.

 I tense up and stare at the doll in her carrier. Ever since I was a baby my mother has wanted me to follow in her footsteps and go to Howard University. Just like she did, just like my grandmother did, just like my great grandmother did. There's this one picture in her bedroom on her dresser, of me at 4 months old in a blue shirt with Howard University scrawled across it in big white letters.

 My parents pushed me to the extreme when it comes to school. They force me into AP classes and made me take up track and band because it looks good on my college application. They even made me get a job at Target to save up for college.

 At a young age I didn't mind that my parents had my all set up to go to Howard, I mean that's the only school they talked about. But as I got older I was exposed to other schools. Like Yale, Uconn, Penn State and Wesleyan. I know that my future is already set for me, but i can't help but feel like i had no part in creating it.

 "Any way," My mother says running a hand through her wavy hair. "I'm going to drink some hot tea and work on some papers for work. Dinner's on dad tonight." She kisses my head before retreating upstairs. I watch her go and plop down on the couch, putting my book bag under the coffee table.

 I looked at the time. 4:30 and I'm already bored. I turn on the tv and luckily a marathon of vampire diaries is on. I relax into the couch and watch my favorite show, thank God it's the weekend and I don't have much homework to do.

 A little while later I'm so into the show that the I barely felt my phone vibrating. I grabbed it and was thrilled to see Deion's name pop up. (Deion Gill, if you dont know him look him up on youtube) Deion was in my art and math class. He's one of my closest friends, other than Autumn. We've known each other since third grade and he's basically a brother figure to me.

 Too bad my mother doesn't approve him. She's always claims that he's a distraction to me and he's not good for my social health. I mean just because he's went to juvie a few times for things I promised not to mention again, doesn't mean that he's not a good friend for me. Deion is the one person I tell everything too. I love Autumn and everything, but Deion is the one that i usually pour my heart out to when things with my parents aren't going well. They're always arguing and I hate it, it gets so intense something that I sneak out to Deion's house for a while and let things cool down. Deion's just that kind of person I can always turn to.

 "Guess what I have." Deion says before I can even say hello.

 "Um Mono?" I ask. Oh, did I mention Deion is a huge man whore. Not as much as Chresanto but yeah, girls drool over him.

 "Haha, no. I had that last week." He responds laughing.

 I make a sour face. "Ew TMI."

 "Yeah, but anyway I have cookies. Fresh out the oven," He says teasing me. He know i love cookies, especially home made.

 "And you're not sharing with me?" I ask sounding hurt.

 "I would if you come over. I'm mad bored," He says.

 "Ugh, I can't My mom's home plus i have this baby to take care of." I respond glancing at the doll sleeping in her in carrier

 Deion's silent for a moment before I hear a low moan. I cover my mouth knowing exactly what's going on over at his place.

 "Ew Deion, you could have finished your playtime before calling me. Why the hell would I want to come over and while you're doing that?" I ask with a truly disgusted tone.

 "She would be gone before you came." He says, then laughs. "Or maybe before I came."

 I covered my face and shook my head when I finally understood what he meant. "Oh God, you have now scarred me. Don't ever say anything like that again." Deion can be super horny at times. It's funny sometimes and other times it's just plain nasty. Right now, it's just really nasty.

 Deion cracks up. "Alright so tell me about this baby."

 Before I could even explain, the baby begins crying extra loudly. "What the hell?" I say glancing at the time. I guess it's time for her to eat again. "It's just a life science project." I explain to Deion as I head into the kitchen to mix the packet of formula Mr. Daniels gave us.

 Deion doesn't have life science so he didn't get the project. Lucky him -.-

 "Sounds cool. Boy or girl?" Deion asks.

 "Girl," I say mixing the powered formula with some water and shaking it up in a bottle. I go back into the living room with the crying baby and pick her up, balancing the phone on my shoulder.

 "Name her Shay," Deion tells me. I can hear him moving around on his bed, probably switching positions with his latest fling of the week.

 "Hey," I say picking up the doll and giving her bottle to shut her up. "That's my middle name."

 "Exactly why you should name the doll that. It's cute and..." He trials off on his sentence and makes a humming sort of noise.

 I cringe. "Ok ew, please do not call me the next time you're being pleased." I say, then hang up before he could respond. I glance down at the doll in my arms and study her plastic face. " has a cute ring to it."

(sorry for errors :D)

Deion in the MM ----->

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