Just A Friend

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(Ray POV)

So Alicia thought it would be a good idea to go the mall and 'bond' over the baby. Something about getting to know eachother and all that stuff. I shrugged, I had planned on hanging with my little brother today but I guess i could use soem fresh air.

I waited outside the mall for ten minuetes before a black Honda pulls up. Alicia stepped out the passagner side and waved to me. I smiled and walked over to her with my hands jammed in my pocket.

"Ray this is my mom, ma this is my partner Ray." Alicia says.

I lean into the window to see an exact replica of Alicia. She looked exactly like her mom, same long hair, bright eyes wide smile. It was like I was seeing her older twin.

"Hi Mrs Harris," I say offering my hand.

"Nice to meet you Ray, oh Alicia you were right he is cute." Her mom says grinning at me.

I laugh and glance at Alicia who's giving her mother the death glare. Alicia rolls her eyes and opens the back door where I see the baby strapped into it's carrier. I raise my eyebrows as I watch her unbuckle it.

"Ugh, she's gone all out for this project." Her mother says rolling her eyes. "Even bought the thing a new outfit."

"Let me get the stroller." Alicia says.

Did she just say a stroller too?

Sure enough Alicia heads to the trunk and grabs a real life, full functioning stroller out the back. She unfolds it and fastens the baby into it.

"It was my sisters and I thought it could come in handy." She says shrugging. I stare at the stroller not sure what to say. This girl is taking this whole thing seriously. Her mother beeps twice before pulling away and heading across the parking lot.

I follow Alicia into the mall and we begin roaming around.

Things starting moving slowly at first. We didn't really talk much and when ever we did say something, an awkward silence followed right after. But it was when we were walking into that shoe store Journeys, when things got live.

A girl was trying on the same shoe as Alicia when she looked up at me and smirked. "Hey, is that your boyfriend?" I heard her ask as I checked out some new arrivals.

"No, he's just a friend." Alicia says.

"Oh good," The girls says. "Cause he's way too good looking for you."

"Interesting, now tell me again why he hasn't even glanced in your direction." I hear Alicia says.

I pause and turn around to see the girls reaction, i turn just in in time to see the girl throw the shoe she was trying on at Alicai's head. Alicia stumbles back with her palm pressed against her head before raising her hand like she was going to slap her. I drop the shoe I was looking at and run over to the them, grabbing her wrist tightly.

I really need to stop with this super hero stuff.

"What the f---" She trails off as she turns around and notices that it's me.

"What's going on?" I ask releasing her hand and letting it fall to her side.

The girl bounches on her toes and twirls a peice of hair around her finger. "Um, nothing. I was just asking her if you two dated. And since you're not..." She takes a step closer. "I'm highly available."

I look her up and down. From her curly bob, to her hello kitty crop top and down to her green and gray Vans. "What makes you think I'm interested?"

The girls swallows and smiles nervously. "The real question is, why wouldn't you be?"

I smirk at her and lean in close to her face. "You have no class and your thirsty for the D."

Her mouth drops open into an O shape and I smile before grabbing Alicia by her wrist and pulling her out the store, grabbing the stroller on our way.

"Oh my God that was too epic." Alicia exclaims laughing.

"I know right, I didnt meant to diss her like that but she needed to be put in her place." I say feeling less bold again.

Alicia chuckles and glances at me as we wander through the mall. "I would have never expected Domo boy to be so...heroic. I mean first Jacob now me, what's next? Saving a baby from a burning building?"

"Well you know," I say stuffing my hands in my pocket and shrugging. Alicia laughs again and I smile myself, happy to make her laugh.

While we're walking around the baby begins crying. Older people turn to look at us and I feel slightly embarrassed. I can only imagine what they're thinking. Me and Alicia 18 year old parents walking through the mall with a crying baby.

"Aw come here baby," Alicia coos, picking up the baby swaddled in a pink blanket. She bounces it as the cries slowly grow louder.

"Lets go sit and and make her a bottle." Alicia suggest.


We head into the food court and take a seat in the nearest booth. Alicia bounces the baby as I tear open the package and pour it into the bottle.

"Um, now what?" I ask.

Alicia laughs and takes the bottle from me. "It needs water dummy, here take the doll and I'll go mix it."

I watch as Alicia walks away, each step as bouncy as the last. The doll continues to wail on my arms and people begin to stare. I lower my hat onto my eyes and try to seem small.

A few minutes later Alicia comes back and takes the baby from me, holding her like a fragile piece of china. I watch as the bottle slowly emptied, it kinda freaked me out.

"Hey, you hungry?" I ask her.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I am." She says. "I want Taco Bell."

I raise an eyebrow impressed. "Wow, most girls would want something basic like Subway."

Alicia rolls her wide brown eyes. "Please, if Im hungry i want some real food."

I laugh and head to the taco bell stand. "A girl that has a good appetite, I can live with her."


When we had roamed through the whole mall, Alicia called her mom to come get us. I sat in the car laughing as her mom sang along to Rihanna's Where Have You Been.

I directed her to my house and she navigates her way there. When we pulled up Alicia cooed.

"Aww its so cute, I wanna see the inside one day." Alicia says.

Her mother tosses her a side ways glance and I could have sworn Alicia winked at her. I laughed nervously and got out the car.

"See you at school Alicia," I say closing the door.

"Bye Ray," She calls to me as she takes off down the street. I wave and turn around heading up the walkway to my door.

As i reach it, Tay Tay comes out and runs up to me. Hugging my knees tightly.

"Who dat girl? I saw ya'll together Ray." He says to me.

I roll my eyes. "Mind your business shorty."

"Who was it?" He asks again.

I laugh and shake my head. "Just a friend."

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