Chapter Eleven:

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Chapter Eleven:

“Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.” –Charles Swindoll

The next morning after breakfast which I completely ignored Kacey, I sat by the lake with Blake catching up and throwing a Baseball at each other but I still couldn’t take my mind away from what happened last night. He kissed me, I kissed back, Tatum and I had kissed. Woah.

“Blake…” I said trailing off.

“What’s up?” He asked looking at me as I looked at the water.

“Tatum and I kissed,” I whispered.

“What? So you like him? You guys like each other? When did this all happen?” He asked really fast looking shocked.

“Yesterday night, I don’t know how I feel! I don’t know if I like him or not or what I am feeling! This is so complicated!” I told him.

“You're only making it complicated, Do you like him or do you not? But now I got to go, Mother wants me to go to town with her and say hello to some people,” He said and I nodded. We exchanged goodbyes before I was left alone.

“Alyssa,” Someone asked and I turned around to see two guards standing their.

“Um… my name is Echo,” I said biting my lip.

“BREA?” the other guard asked.

“Nope Echo,” I said.

“Echo… It’s us! Forrest and Landon! What the heck were you thinking! We were worried about you! We heard through the grapevine that you were missing!”  A guy said as I finally recognized him as Forrest and the other one as Landon.

“YOU SHOULDN’T BE TALKING! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU! I’VE MISSED YOU! Why the heck did you leave me!” I said as tears leaked out of my eyes.

“We didn’t want to but the assassins were after us and they were trying to kill us so we had to go into hiding, pretending we died from the assassins, a year ago we took them down but you were doing so great that we didn’t come back, you are a great ruler so we didn’t seem to need to come back. We missed you so much,” Landon said.

“We decided to become guards after dying our hair and getting contacts so we could blend in and not be noticed. We saw you your first day here and wanted to go talk to you but we didn’t know how you would react or how you would deal with it. We are so sorry for leaving you but we had to get them off our trail,” Forrest explained and I wiped some tears from my eyes.

“Come home, please,” I begged.

“We will, after the competition, we really want to see you while we are here so maybe we can hang sometime?” Landon asked and I nodded.

“But not right now, we have a job to do and we better get going, we will see you soon! Love ya sis!” He said and I nodded hugging them before they left me to think.

My brothers were here. The whole time they were here. The whole time I was searching for them, the whole time I sat in their rooms and cried they were over here and being guards? THE WHOLE TIME I WAS WORRIED ABOUT THEM THEY WERE FINE AND ALRIGHT! THEY ARE SO GOING TO GET IT! They better be prepared…

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