Chapter Sixteen:

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Chapter 16:

“There's nothing like deep breaths after laughing that hard. Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons.”

―Stephen Chbosky,The Perks of Being a Wallflower

We were all sitting by the lake drinking tea while Lunch was going on.

“So Landon and Forrest, you two catch us up, with as much detail and action possible,” Mom said loving details.

“Okay so we are now 27, having disappeared three years ago. At first we went to california for two years, dyed our hair and put in contacts. Than we came here a year ago after dealing with them and so now we are here. Our hair is still dyed but we took out the contacts yesterday seeing no point in hiding anymore. And apparently you guys pretended we were dead, with coffins and everything,” Forrest said.
“Hey I have had a headstone all my life which is eighteen years almost nineteen, you guys have had it for three years so stop complaining,” I said rolling my eyes.

“When will you give that up, you got out of the kingdom!” Alyssa said rolling her eyes.

“By switching places with you but everyone still thinks I am dead, do you know how boring it is when you're supposedly dead and you're locked in your room during parties that you can’t attend because you're dead. It’s boring! All I had was music, books and sometimes you guys and pranks. I mean Chemical Romance, Beatles, Imagine Dragons and more are all nice bands but it gets lonely in there with no friends! Heck I would trade it for fighting off assassin's or running a kingdom or even walking around the kingdom! I know it’s selfish but why did I have to be the one cursed!  I don’t regret being the one cursed but why did It have to take away everything I love for  almost nineteen years? Why did that have to take away my freedom, my life and my family?” I asked.

“We are sorry you feel like that, all we tried to do was protect you we didn’t know we were suffocating you or hurting you in the process. We just don’t want to lose you,” My dad said and I nodded biting my lip and putting another lollipop in my mouth.

“So any guys you are interested in here?”Alyssa asked changing the subject.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” I teased.

“I would, actually,” Alyssa said.

“Oh well you will find out later maybe, maybe not,” I said  smirking and she groaned.

“Maybe it’s that Prince you take late night walk’s with?” Landon asked smirking.

“Maybe it isn’t maybe it is, you never know. Now enough about me, how is the kingdom going to react to you two being back and my sudden aliveness because we all know that one of the girls in their will tell someone and someone will tell another person. So on until everyone knows,” I said.

“True well we will have a conference in a few days, wait until everyone suspects than do it because you should enjoy your last few day’s. After they know Chaos will erupt and everything,” My mom explained.

“Oh and I forgot to mention… Landon has a girlfriend,” Forrest said making Landon Blush.

“Landon Kiss are you blushing?” my mother asked giggling.

“Who is she? Where did you meet? Was it love at first sight? What’s her name? How old is she? Is she nice? What’s she like?” Alyssa asked.

“Her names Chloe and she is really nice, actually I met her when I first came here, she isn’t Royal, she lives in the kingdom and I see her often. You will love this Alyssa, she is a book reader just like you and she works as a baker. Also she is 26, and we met when we bumped into each other in town, we looked each other in the eyes and I instantly liked her, She is just… woah. I think I might… no- I do, I seriously do Love her,” Landon said making mom squeal.

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