Chapter Eighteen:

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Chapter 18:

“You can talk with someone for years, everyday, and still, it won't mean as much as what you can have when you sit in front of someone, not saying a word, yet you feel that person with your heart, you feel like you have known the person for forever.... connections are made with the heart, not the tongue.”

―C. JoyBell C.

I hugged Tilly goodbye, she was leaving after a full day hanging with the girls yesterday to go back home but don’t get her wrong, she was coming back and soon because she had a date with Blake. Yep, they are officially dating after they admitted of liking each other for weeks now. I was wearing another beanie today as my roots were showing and I haven’t dyed it yet.

“I am going to miss you all so much, but I will be back,” Tilly said wiping a tear as it fell and getting into the car that would take her to the airport.

We waved at the car until we couldn’t see it anymore.

“I am going to miss her,” Shawna said and we all group hugged thinking about our best friend who no longer is with us but off towards home as we speak.

“Come on breakfast time,” Alice said and we followed her to the dining room. I was still tired even though I got a lot of sleep especially the one month of sleep thing.

We sat at our table, for once me being early.

“So did you hear? Three more are being sent home this week,” Shawna said as she put a strawberry to her mouth.

“Woah, what’s their rush?” I asked as I through a grape up in the air catching it in my mouth.

“Don’t know but they think he already has a girl in mind,” Alice said and the girls stared at me.

“Why you staring at me? It’s probably Kacey or something,” I said biting my lip. For some reason I did not just like what I said.

“Oh my gosh, Brea you like him!” Paige said shocked.
“No… I don’t know… maybe?” I said running a hand through my hair.

“What does it feel like when you're near him?” Jade asked.

“My heart pounds in my chest every time he’s near and I get butterflies in my stomach when I am around him or even just thinking about him. This feeling of calmness washes over me when we hold hands with our fingers entwined, and the feeling of jealousy that happened when I saw Kacey and Tatum,” I said looking down at my plate remembering his smile that makes you want to smile, his smile shows in his eyes too. His cherry addiction is just so cute because I don’t know it just is. And then a light bulb went off, I have only ever felt like this about one guy, him. Tatum. I liked Tatum.

“You have got it bad,” Shawna said laughing.

“I know, I know I just can’t help it! He is just so… adorable, smart, athletic, kind, sweet, nice and so much more,” I said quietly, the Royals had not arrived since us were really early.

“Sparks even flew when we kissed,” I muttered.

“WHAT? WHEN?” Shawna squealed.

“Three times actually, once when I was ten, then after when I had stormed away from the dining room because of Kacey and then again that morning before Kacey and Tatum made out in front of the doors,” I told them getting a whole bunch of squeals in return.

“And then I think it’s so cute that he always throws pebbles on my window but of course sometimes I don’t answer him and he comes into my room,” I said and the squealed even more.

Prince of Pierce (Camp Nanowrimo -July)Where stories live. Discover now