Chapter Thirty Three:

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Chapter Thirty Three:

“Maybe you can afford to wait. Maybe for you there's a tomorrow. Maybe for you there's one thousand tomorrows, or three thousand, or ten, so much time you can bathe in it, roll around it, let it slide like coins through you fingers. So much time you can waste it.

But for some of us there's only today. And the truth is, you never really know.”

―Lauren Oliver,Before I Fall   

A Month Later:

I paced the room nervously. Wondering how I would tell him. I  didn’t know what to do! Should I tell him or should I wait? Should I just tell him or wait for a good moment? I  shared a room with Tatum after a night… three weeks ago. A wonderful night may I add. I looked at the thing in my hands again, it reading positive. I was… pregnant? No one knew except me, I haven’t even told my family, though because the first person I wanted  to  tell would be Tatum. I decided to go to Tatum’s study. Biting my lip and running a hand through my still red hair I  was really nervous. How would he react? Will he be angry that we weren’t careful? Would he be happy? I wonder if it is a boy or a girl. I wonder what gender he wants… Would he be excited or angry? Would  we announce it right away or would we not  and wait for a right moment to tell the kingdom. How will my family react? What would we name him or her?  

I didn’t bother knocking for if I did than I would probably talk myself out of it. I walked in only for me to want to cry at the sight in front of me. THAT LITTLE BRAT! HOW COULD SHE! HOW COULD HE! How could both of them? Shawna was sitting on Tatum’s lap making out with him. I had not known she was here either or anything like that. I  had thought she was back at her kingdom… I guess not. I let out a gasp and Shawna broke apart from Tatum. She had a smirk on her face while Tatum looked shocked. I shook my head trying not to cry. He didn’t deserve my tears neither did she. I thought she was my friend! Why do I always think people are my friends and they betray me!

I turned around running to the room and locking the door while putting a chair  as a percussion so he wouldn’t be able to get in. Packing my suitcases I didn’t wait a second longer. I put the  pregnancy test back in the box and put it in  a ziplock bag in my suitcase so he wouldn’t know. He didn’t deserve to know. I heard pounding at the door, he called my name several times but I did not care to listen to what he had to say.  I sat on the bed after packing not listening as he tried to explain and get me to listen. It was useless, I saw what I saw and now I am gone, exactly what he wanted, I don’t even  know why he picked me in the first place. Was it to  toy with me? Was it so he could make me love him and than break my heart? I waited until dark when no more pounding came through the door before sneaking out. I didn’t want to see his face, or him for that matter. I  didn’t want to see anyone, not any of the Pierce boys or  Liz and Peter. I could not bare to see them because if I did I would break down crying. I couldn’t believe this. I went through the town to the airport and got a ticket to California not wanting to be in a kingdom any longer. It would just remind me of him. He should have just chose Shawna if he liked her so much! How could he do something like this to me? How could Shawna do something like this to me? How could she!? How could he hurt me like this?  How could she? Boarding the plane I looked back once before getting on. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to stay and listen to him, would he have lied? Was Kacey forcing herself on him a lie to? I was just a fool! He made me into a naive girl who thought she was in love! I can not believe this!  I can not believe I was such a fool! I can’t believe I was so Naive! I can’t believe I actually truly loved him! I just…  I just can’t believe he broke my heart.  How could I be so stupid? So Naive? So Blind by the truth that he never really loved me. I was so stupid, such a stupid fool! Before I knew it, I was sitting at my seat the window seat, sobbing my eyes out. My hands around my knees and my head on my knees sobbing quietly barely able to breath. I was pregnant and he would have no part in the baby’s life.


Sequel coming soon!

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