Chapter Twenty Eight:

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Chapter Twenty Eight:

“Pick the day. Enjoy it – to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come… The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present – and I don’t want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.” - Audrey Hepburn

I got dressed in an actual dress today for no apparent reason. Okay well I did have a reason, today would be the day Tatum chose his Queen.  The one who would rule beside him. It would be in the afternoon when he chooses and he will be spending an hour with each of us before hand.  I had on  a Tube Flower Print Mini Dress | Fashion Nova that was floral at the top and blue at the bottom. I had also paired the dress with black ballet flats that held bows on them and silver hoop earrings. To match the earrings I had on I paired it with a silver  infinity necklace.  My taira that I was supposed to where  today was also silver and very pretty. I had my hair in a bun also and  my makeup was done as it usually is with nothing special.

Shawna looked over at me as she made her bed both of us got up pretty early and would be fairly early if we went to breakfast now. I made my bed also and packed my suitcase just in case. I mean I shouldn’t expect him to pick me, maybe Shawna or Kacey would be better fit for ruling? I knew that he had placed his decision on what was best for the Kingdom, not his heart because he was just that selfless and Kind.

I had butterflies in my stomach and felt so nervous.  To distract myself I looked at Shawna’s outfit which was a Neon Coral Strapless Floral that was Neon Pink at the top and floral at the bottom. She had Black high heels on and  had neutral makeup on with  her hair pin straight. A tiara was on her head also.

We walked to the girls room they would be staying in and walked in without even knocking. Alice had on a FLORAL PLEATED TUBE DRESS | PUBLIK | Women's Clothing & Accessories, white flats and her hair was wavy. Jade going more with the casual route went for a Coastal Dreamin' Dress that was a long sleeve striped top and  dark blue bottom.  She had her hair in a french braid and  was wearing combat boots.

Tilly… Tilly was just as bubbly as she always is and was wearing a  Bermuda Breeze Dress - Navy. As for shoes she was wearing Neon green  heels and  had her hair in a high ponytail with a green bow in it.  She was wearing  green, blue and Pink bracelets and also a pink Cardigan.

“Shall we make a late entrance ladies?” Jade asked smiling looking at me.

“Yes we shall, but first I have something for all of you,” I said and took out six pops in my hand that I held behind my back. Taking a Cherry I handed the  girls  the rest and we each put it in our mouths. Hooking arms we made our way to the dining room late.

We entered the dining room and I spotted Kacey looking  actually classy for once in a pale pink Willow Lake Blush Chiffon Tank Dress and white heels along with a tiara to go with her curly hair. I gave her a small smile noticing she was looking at us and she smiled back. I grabbed a chair that was just sitting around  for some reason and pulled it over to our table before walking over to her.

“Come sit with us,” I said to her and she bit her lip.

“I don’t think I am welcome,” She said  sighing.

“Yeah you are, now come on before I make  Brea change her mind,”  Jade said  coming to stand next to me and Kacey nodded before going to sit in the chair I dragged over. We sat in our chairs and it was quiet between us.

“So…” Alice said awkwardly. We all stared at each other before we all couldn’t take it anymore and burst out laughing Kacey even clutching her stomach for laughing to hard and Tilly falling off her seat.

“Look guys, I just wanted to say that I am really sorry for being such a  brat to you all. I was just really jealous truthfully but that’s  not how I should have handled the situation even if I was jealous. Im sorry,” Kacey said once we all sobered up.

“You're Forgiven,” We chorused. I know, I know really quickly forgiven but it isn’t forgotten so.

“After Breakfast it will go Shawna, Kacey and then  Brea,” Tatum said coming over and looking at us. We nodded in understanding and smiled before he walked away.

We all chatted for a while and then breakfast was over meaning it was Shawna’s turn. I went to sit by the lake, sitting peacefully and looking out onto the huge beautiful lake.

“You like him,” someone said from behind me and I jumped turning my head towards the person as she sat down.

“No Alyssa,” I said and it looked like she was about to object but I cut her off,” I love him.”

“WOAH! SERIOUSLY!” She squealed and I nodded smiling.

“Yeah, theres just something about him, he’s selfless, intelligent, kind, sweet and so much more. When I am around him I can’t help but to feel… complete and safe.” I told her.

“Woah! Awe that’s so sweet!” She cooed and I blushed.

“What are my two favorite daughters talking about?” Mom asked sitting down on the other side of me.

“We are your only daughters,” I retorted.

“We are talking about how our dear Brea is in love,” Alyssa said sighing.

“With who?” Mom asked and Alyssa and I scoffed.

“With Tatum of course,” Alyssa said and I nodded.

“Ohlala,” Mom said wiggling her eyebrows making me roll my eyes.

“So girls, Landon say’s he has a surprise for everyone later on in the day, Anyone know’s what it is?” Mom asked.

“Nope,” We chorused and she groaned not liking surprises.

We talked for some time before Tatum made his way over to us.

“May I talk to Brea?” He asked my mom and sister. They nodded, getting up and walking away leaving me with Tatum.
“Hey,” I said.

“Hey, Look I wanted to tell you something,” He said seriously.

“Go ahead,” I said.

“I am not choosing you for the competition,” He said biting his lip and scratching the back of his neck looking everywhere except at me.

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