⌜ thirty four ⌟

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happy mork day 🎊

mark's day went with people greeting him a happy birthday and even the student council surprised him by letting him go to the empty auditorium

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mark's day went with people greeting him a happy birthday and even the student council surprised him by letting him go to the empty auditorium. mark already expected this to happen but for the sake of them not to let their surprise flop, he acted as if he was surprised.

donghyuck was the first one who greeted him. mark got up early to go to donghyuck's shared house with jaemin and chenle but as he got out of his shared apartment with jeno, donghyuck was already there standing outside with a cupcake on his hand and a candle.

the older can't help but smile as he remembered what happened in the morning while packing his things.

mark bro happy birthday—

jeno was cut off by renjun who suddenly appeared next to him ❝jeno i need you to come with me.

jeno looked confused ❝what? now? but mark—

mark glared at jeno, reminding him about what they talked about.

jeno rubbed his nape as he turned to renjun ❝oh..

renjun turned to mark ❝happy birthday mark!

mark smiled ❝thank you.❞ mark watched renjun drag jeno out from the room but before leaving he shouted his name, getting his attention ❝have you seen donghyuck?

renjun shook his head as a no ❝but he told me that he'll just go to your apartment later.

mark mouthed a "thank you" before finally seeing renjun and jeno leave the room. it was now only him inside the room and mark was feeling something.

his brows furrowed ❝don't tell me he's going to surprise me just like what he did the last time?

he quickly ran out of the room, not forgetting his bag, and saw only a few of students hanging by the hallways. some greeted him a happy birthday and some smiled at him. mark smiled back and then continued walking.

i guess not.❞ mark sighed

a person bumped him as he was not looking at the way and mark smiled as he saw him.

chenle have you seen—

nope, i'm sorry hyung.❞ chenle scanned his pocket and took out a piece of folded paper ❝hyuck hyung told me to give this to you.

jisung appeared at the end of the hallway and his shout was heard across the hallway ❝CHENLE!

chenle smiled at mark before running towards jisung, almost tripping. mark saw jisung telling chenle that he should watch his step next time.

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