Chapter Two: The Market Boy and the Horse Girl-*10/15/2018 update*

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All of the Evershield family was gathered to partake in the pilgrimage to the neighbouring kingdom, Pyrésea, in honour of Princess Eden's coming-of-age ceremony. For over two hundred years, those from the Kingdom's of Andora gathered together for the coming-of-age ceremony of the Princess of Pyrésea in honour of the Truce of Peyrônella (pau I trera Peyrônella).

Five carriages were prepared to chauffeur the Evershield Family to Pyrésea. Aaron's grandfather and grandmother—King Adonis and Queen Everelée—rode in the center of the caravan surrounded by the kingdom's highest-ranking knights. Aaron's aunts and uncles—the Prince's and First Lady's—travelled surrounded in the company of each family's personal order of guards, and the grandchildren—free to travel in the more enjoyable style of the open-roofed chariot (as the road to Pyrésea was well watched and safe)—were chaperoned by the Scouts.

The personal maids and retainers of the Evershields accompanied the family to the neighbouring kingdom, as well as a select few notable officials and friends.

But the most notable for the sake of this telling of The Story of Aaron Evershield were the boy's swordsmaster, Sifün Jorge, and Milo Vivaldi, Aaron and Sidon's cousin from their mother's side.

The road from Andora to Pyrésea took three days while travelling in the company of a large party. Yet, for a rider on horseback who left as soon as morning broke, could be safe within the walls of the seaside kingdom before the sun had withdrawn beneath the sea's horizon.

On the second morning of the pilgrimage, when far away and safe out of the region of the Wilderlands, Kain and Aaron were given permission to travel on horseback ahead of the family. Thrilled to be out of the claustrophobic space of the chariot and to venture the road outside of the guard's watch, the boys unfastened the trunks strapped to their horse's backs and took off.

Riding together, side-by-side, their horse's hooves galloped in a methodical rhythm that allowed Aaron's eyes to take in the countryside. Only on a handful of special occasions did Aaron ever leave The Vale of Catholina, and until that day, he'd been too young to travel outside of the caravan in his parent's company. Now, at fourteen, he was old enough to traverse the countryside on his own.

The young prince, for the first time ever, felt proud, tall, and free. He felt like a giant riding atop his black mare, Zara. From the height of his new vantage point, Aaron could look down at the heads of the pilgrims and the merchants and the travellers as they passed by on the dry dirt road that disappeared into a vanishing point on the distant landscape.

The trail Aaron followed dipped with the decline of the green hills, took him across narrow bridges over above the rushing rivers and streams that's wooded planks turned Zara's galloping feet into a drumming beat.

It was late in the fifth month, Mai, and so the air still held onto the cold breath from the mountains, but the sun prevailed and pulled the promising odours out from the vegetation that impatiently awaited their summer blossom. Far in the distance, the snow-capped top of Mount Gaia glinted silver and gold in the sunlight. Local folklore has it that a black bear hibernates in a cavern deep in the foothills of Mount Gaia until she smells the blood of ambitious explorers—then feasts on them. Folklore also says that the legendary Basadera resides on top of Mount Gaia.

Yet these were all things Aaron did not know. So his wonderful imaginative mind turned to fantasy. Riding upon the back of Zara, Aaron pretended he was an ancient hero of old times; one of the Seven Sages from the religion of the Descendants; the Ancient King Evershield riding into the First Kingdom of Torino to put an end to the Battle of the Four Winds. And yet, he was on the back of Zara facing the world and the winds as he was: a Boy with a bold mind and brave heart venturing forth into the Great Unknown.

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