Chapter Thirty-Nine: Pyrésea's Heiress

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The rains from the storm that ravaged the entire continent fell harder in Torino than anywhere else in Andora. The winds were rampant and wild and erratically, beyond anyone's comprehension, changing directions as if attempting to overpower each other—as if the winds were feuding.

The waters of the Bay of Torino stirred in sporadic courses as the winds increased their force and caused the rain to shift ceaselessly in opposing diagonals. The rushing waters gained momentum and crashed in waves against the four bridges that connected Torino to the mainland.

The city officials ran about their offices in a panic, making executive decisions on how to safeguard their people from the storm—and then with a change in the weather's course—rebuked those decisions entirely. Incoming merchants delivering mined natrolite crystals crossing the western bridge were overcome by a wave, losing their merchandise and lives to the ravaging water.

Without the natrolite crystals, the city had to rely on older methods of light and prepared torches to set in the iron baskets. Although, due to the obsolete nature of firelight, only few in the city had any lanterns, let alone the oil to burn. The torches were reserved for those living in the Sevren's Palace.

"Princess Eden?" Emelia called after knocking on her door. "Eden? C'mon. It's me. Open up." Emelia banged on the door. And although she had suspended her knocking, Emelia heard what she thought were echoes. "What the hell?" Emelia said under her breath. Fed up with Eden's recent snobbish attitude, Emelia grabbed a key out of her satchel and let herself in.

"Emelia!" Eden cried when she saw her maid standing in the bedroom doorway. Emelia followed the noise of the ongoing knocking all the way to the sight of Eden naked in bed with a lover. "Emelia!" Eden shrieked again. "Get the fuck out! Leave! Oh my God."

Emelia gladly spun out of her room, shutting the door. Although, Emelia wasn't so deterred as to leave the princess's quarters entirely. Taking a seat on the couch, Emelia waited for her girl, and while looking at the still flame from the candleholder mounted on the wall, reminisced about the lovers she had taken in her youth.

The clamour began again but then ended soon after. Followed by murmurs of what Emelia rightly assumed were his encouragement and Eden's refusal.

The door creaked open to Eden's lover dressed lazily and looking mortified at Emelia's presence.

"Get out of here, Manuel. You know better than to sleep with a girl less than half your age."

The man—Manuel—froze with his mouth open. Slinging his head down, he brusquely marched out of Eden's quarters.

"What the hell?" Eden stormed out of her bedroom draped in nothing but a silk robe.

"My goodness. To be young."

"I had said—God—I don't know how many fucking times to never ever NEVER enter my quarter—let alone my fucking bedroom—without my permission!"

"Your fucking bedroom is right!"

"By no day further thence shalt you disturb thine privacy and thence cast thoust unwelcome biddings unto thy taintless mind!" Eden shouted hurrying to the kitchen bar. The rain pelted the window.

Emelia stared blankly at the angry princess. "Drop the bullshit, Eden. You're cute when you suddenly start acting like a lady of your class—but I guess that doesn't count when you're suddenly wanting to get ass." A delighted smile crossed Emelia's face. "Oh, that rhyme felt good."

Eden glared at her nurse from the bar where she was pouring herself a glass of wine. "Eden, babe," Emelia said. "What the hell do you think you're doing? C'mon, what was that?"

"I wanted to fuck." Eden downed the wine in one swallow.

"Very classy."

"Emelia!" Eden cried, pouring herself another glass. "Leave me be—now!"

Not flinching, Emelia said, "As you wish, your highness. But, as I'm walking out I'll continue what I have to say. You can't just be fucking anybody you feel like, Eden."

After taking a drink of her wine, Eden responded, "Oh, but you can, Emelia?"

"Don't go there, Eden. You're the heiress of Pyrésea. Do you realize what absolute mayhem that would cause if word got out you were sleeping around?" Emelia placed her hands on her hips. "And Manuel? Really?"

Emptying the second glass, Eden remarked, "He's good."

"Oh—cut that out!" Emelia stormed over and snatched for the glass, but Eden pulled her arm away, causing the wine to splash all over the floor.

"Emelia!" Eden cried, winding her arms back. "What's your probl—"

Emelia seized Eden before she shoved her and tightened her grip around the princess's skinny arms.

"Ow!" Eden cried. Emelia crushed her arms harder. "Emelia! That seriously—ahh!"

Emelia then let go.

"What the fuck?"

The wind whipped the rain against the window.

"What the fuck to you, Eden. Do you just... not care? What happened to the girl I knew? You have responsibilities a tad more important than satisfying your vagina."

Recovering from the tight embrace around her arm Eden snapped. "In case you didn't realize, my fucking servant, I was supposed to be married six years ago. I shoulda been having a lot of sex by now. Who knows? Maybe I woulda even popped out a little baby by now too."

"Your fucking servant? Wow. Okay." Emelia shook her head. "But Eden, babe, that doesn't—I know things didn't go according to plan, alright? Regardless, you're the heir to one of the highest-respected dynasty's in Andora—it sucks at times, I'm sure—but you have—"

"WHAT DYNASTY? WHAT FAMILY? WHAT PYRÉSEA?" Eden threw the wine glass, shattering against the wall. "Do you not think—" the girl hung her sentence up with her tears. Then falling to the ground, Eden bawled into her hands. The sight stunned and shocked Emelia, but having known Eden since she was a baby, Emelia was not in the slightest surprised to discover the truth behind the princess's sudden change of heart.


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