Chapter Eleven: Eden's Farewell-*10/15/2018 update*

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The very next morning, just half past the seventh hour, the noble guests of the Pyrésees gathered again to say farewell to Princess Eden; most of them hung-over from the night before (as was King Elijah). Outside the main pavilion of the château, the guests stood lined at the gate awaiting the princess. The retainers of the Pyrésees court were groggy while assembling the decorations for Eden's farewell departure. An elegant chariot was prepared to carry the young princess to Torino; a white carpet was rolled out from the château de rois to the gate of the castle town. The royal families were dressed in their own nation's formal dress. Aaron stood two paces behind his grandfather, a pace behind his father, next to him his cousin Andrea, and to his left, Jared. Aaron looked around for familiar faces. Across the carpet he saw Prince Revali of Iôtalia next to his parents; the entire family looked bitter. From the château's arches Aaron saw a tired Milo followed by a troupe of musicians. The retainers set up their instruments, Milo dictated to the musicians the arrangement of the ballad of the Princess's Departure. Aaron felt belittled that he had the least significant position out of everyone he knew.

"You missed out on some great tits last night," Aaron felt Kain's wine reeking breath on his neck from behind. "Why didn't you come out to the Port with us?"

Aaron hesitated, leaned back and parted his lips just as the trumpets sounded. The crowd's attention turned to the château's gates. A procession of knights fashioned in celebratory armour, charcoal colored metal with purple and gold emblems that were fashioned with a series of paintings that depicted of the battle of Peyrônella. Following the knights, Milo extended his arm, cueing the drums while King Elijah and Madame Sonya made their entrance. The crowds applauded for the King and Madame of Pyrésea. Lastly, Milo swayed his hands, instructing the entire symphony to play for the arrival of Princess Eden and Prince Sidon. Leading the musicians into the 'truce il Pyrésea au Andora.' A ballad composed of by a great composer of old who perfectly blended the two former rivals ballads into one almighty anthem. The music gained momentum; from the railings on the balconies above, new banners pictured with the emblem of the truce were unscrolled.

"What are we waiting for?" King Elijah bellowed to the crowd. "Gloria! Gloria!" he shouted the triumphant word. All of the guests and all of the people from the street sweepers to the dukes and generals chanted back: "Gloria!" and applauded.

Princess Eden grabbed Sidon's hand, and together, the newly betrothed heirs of the two kingdoms bowed. Dressed in all white in honour of the ancient tradition.

"Just clap man," Kain smacked Aaron's side with his elbow. "You'll get your turn—just clap." And so Aaron clapped for Eden and her future groom. In accordance with the change of music, the engaged couple walked down the white carpet laid down before them, Sidon escorting Eden to the chariot that awaited her—the chariot that would carry her all the way to Torino.

As Eden and Sidon marched down the aisle through the rows of attendees, all applauding and shouting, "Gloria!" Aaron looked around at the faces, wondering how they felt. For the most part of what he observed, they were joyous; the affairs of the royals were to them political ones, not personal. Only other than Prince Revali and his parents—Aaron was the only one bothered. As the couple passed by him, Aaron saw the bright smile on his brother's face, but his eyes were dark and thus the language of his soul could not be read. Eden, on the other hand, had a beaming joy in her eyes, but her faint smile told him everything he needed to know. Aaron thought she would look over at him. Eden did not.

Two Pyrésees retainers rushed over to hold open the chariot doors. Sidon stepped aside to the left, allowing Eden to enter the chariot. Taking one step inside, the girl turned around to face the cheering crowds. The trumpets played louder on Milo's command. Eden lifted her hand in the air. Everyone chanted "Gloria!" once more. Young Pyrésees girls threw white petals from the blossoming cerisier cherry trees. In Eden's hair she wore the blue centaurea hydrolat, the same one she had picked for Aaron from her hidden garden the night before. With a final bow, Eden ducked inside the vehicle. The chauffer lifted the reigns, whipping the hide of the horses, and with the crowds roar, the white horses trotted away.

That was the last time Aaron would see Eden for another seven years.


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