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Desire. It was the name on my shirt. I was confused at it. I didn't know what that meant. I just took it however. I remembered the Moderator kept asking me what my name was. If I was going to get beat over and over for calling myself Jonathan then I damn sure wasn't going to call myself that.

Regardless of what they did to me though, I knew what my name was. I wasn't going to give them that. I wasn't going to give these people the ability to forget my name.

"Where are we?" I asked them.

Craving shook his head, "Kid. We have no idea. Not everyone even speaks English here. See those kids over there? Their English is super fucking bad. They have special moderators whenever they need something..."

He was looking over across the room at a group of foreign looking kids. They seemed to have their own section. Some looked Asian and some looked really exotic. They looked so exotic that I wouldn't have been able to tell where they were from if I tried.

Passion sighed at that moment, "We've all been here for a while. We've been waiting for the 20th and I think we got you. The next steps are soon."

"What are the next steps?" I asked.

I was scared to know the answer to them.

Passion just shrugged, "No one knows. I guess we meet with the leader of our team."

Just at that moment there were bells. I wasn't exactly sure where the bells were coming from but everyone seemed to be seriously anxious when they heard the bells. I saw everyone jump on their feet almost immediately and draw to attention. They looked afraid a little bit. It made me immediately afraid.

"What's going on?" I asked Craving.

"Get up. One of the 7 deadly sins are coming."

"The what?"

"They are big dogs around here. I think they started off as one of us, you know but they seem to be right under Tom. They are like the strongest I believe. They are the leaders of the teams. Our leader is one of them. Look I don't know why but everyone gets a little nervous around them. They are...well they are dangerous..."

I stood up with Craving. It seemed like everyone was piling in the back of the room when the door opened. The door opened and several people walked in.

"Oh shit...Wrath..." Passion whispered in my ear, "He's fucking nuts. I saw him kill someone with my own eyes on my first day here. It was someone on his team. He just snapped and killed the guy..."

My heart was skipping a beat. She had said Craving was trying to scare me but here she was making me want to almost piss myself. We watched as a guy walked into the room and the face was immediately familiar when I saw him.

It was the guy from the bar. It was Sandy! It was the last face that I saw before I woke up in this place. He still looked the same except now he was dressed in all black. He had on a black suit almost looking as though he was going to a funeral or something. He seemed anxious as he stormed into the room. I was surprised that he was able to just walk around this place freely. He couldn't have been that much older than I was.

"Where is he! WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!"
He had this madness in his eyes. He was walking across the room frantically. He made his way over to a group that was hiding in the corner. As he approached they seemed to get scared. A few of them even screamed. It made me wonder why the fuck they were so scared. Had others noticed what kind of things he was capable of. He didn't have this crazy look in his eyes when I had met him at the bar. He didn't have this crazy look in his eyes when he had probably kidnapped me. If only he did I would have known.

Assassins Desire MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now