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"What do you mean one chance?" I asked Urge.

He was hesitant. I could tell he was really hesitant to talk about it. He looked at me. I wondered what he was so hesitant about really. If he knew a way to escape then he needed to tell us. He needed to tell us now.

"He's bluffing," Allure stated shaking her head, "There is no way out. There is no way in hell we get out of this."

"Shut up Allure, you don't know everything goddam it, no matter how much you think you do," Craving replied, "Let him talk."

I walked over to Urge. I put my hand on his hand. He was looking at the ground. He was so hesitant. He was so scared. A part of me always knew that he must have known something. He was the SON of Tom after all. He had to have had some sort of edge in this situation. He must have overheard something in his time. He must have known a little bit more. I was hoping me coming close would give him strength.

"Urge, please tell me," I said, "If there is any hope that we can get away from this life. You have to let us know..."

Urge nodded, "Listen. Tomorrow is the initiation. My father used to send me to each team's initiations. He has it on this mountain. He's so obsessed with it. It's really far away. We will be drugged and taken there. He doesn't like people to know where it is but it is on the edge of a small town in Massachusetts. Well anyway, my dad would take me to this mountain to watch them. He never drugged me though. He let me drive up there. I was thinking straight. A part of me thinks he wanted to shame me. He wanted me to realize how much of a failure he was. You guys don't care about that though. Well, here's the point. At those initiations I realized a few things. A few things that can lead to escape."

"Like what?" I asked.

Allure, Craving and I were staring at Urge. Our eyes were piercing him. We were clearly so interested in what he had to say.

"One...Tom is never actually at the initiations," Urge stated, "Trust me that's a good thing. Two. There are usually eight moderators at the initiations. Three. We don't have trackers yet. Four is the most important. Four is the location. The initiation takes place at the top of a mountain that over looks a river town."

"I don't get it. Am I stupid? How do these four things equal escape?" Craving asked.

Craving looked at me as though wanting some sort of answer. I didn't get it either. I was confused.

Allure was the only one to seem to get it, "He's saying that it's our only chance to escape. He wants us to take out the 8 moderators and make a run for it. But they'll find us. It's pointless. They will find us."

"Maybe not. Tomorrow is also July 4th. I know that the town next to here is really crowded on July 4th."

"We'd be able to blend in with the crowd," Craving stated.

Urge nodded, "Right after the initiations we get trackers put in us. When those trackers go in us they don't come out. It's our only chance."

"Why are you helping us?" Allure asked, "Why are you telling us this?"

There was no way that Allure could honestly still think that Urge was on his father's side with this. I knew she was always suspicious though. She was too smart for her own good.

"I'm not doing it for you," Urge stated, "I'm doing it...for what's that word...love..."

Urge was staring at me. He was staring right into my eyes.

I wished we were alone right now. The way he was looking at me made it clear that it was about me. The others seemed to realize it too.

It was Craving who broke the silence, "Whatever reason you are doing it Urge, I'll take it. I'm in. Or should I say I'm out?"

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