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"Did you just call me Urge? Did you JUST think I was my brother?" Wrath was saying, "Why would you think that? Why would you think I was my brother?"

Wrath had just come in on me showering. He was eating me out in the shower! He was taking full advantage of me. I had thought it was Urge the entire time. Maybe it was because they were brothers and they sounded alike a little bit. Maybe it was because I wanted it to be Urge. I had no idea how I was so stupid.

I reacted quickly.

I kicked off the wall and tried to implant my leg into his chest.

It didn't work!
Wrath was too fast. He caught my leg and sent me flying outside of the shower all of a sudden. I collided into the wall outside of the bathroom stall. My back hit the wall so hard that I thought I was going to pass out. Luckily I didn't though.

"Why would you attack me?" Wrath asked looking down on me.

He had crazy eyes. I thought I was in some creepy horror film or something by how he was looking at me. His eyes just kept desperately watching me. They were just glued in on me. He was fully dressed. He had been wet from the shower but he was dressed. He had climbed into the shower completely naked and taken advantage of me. I felt so violated.

"You came into my shower and tried to have sex with me!"
"You said you loved me!"
"I thought it was Urge!"
Wrath's eyes said something else all of a sudden. Just at that moment I noticed Urge standing there. He had run in maybe from the noise. He looked over at me completely naked in the back and then he looked at Wrath.

"What the fuck is this..." Urge stated, "What the fuck did you do Wrath?"

"You stole the man I loved. You stole the man I loved, you jealous cocksocker!" Wrath told his brother at the top of his lungs, "You always wanted to be me. Isn't that right little brother? You always wanted my spot?"

Urge didn't even seem concerned about what Wrath was saying. Urge was looking down at me. I felt so stupid naked on the floor like this. How the hell had I not known it was Wrath instead of Urge? How could I make that kind of mistake.

"Did he hurt you?" Urge asked.

"He was trying to have sex. He did have sex. I just. I didn't know it was him."

"That's rape," Urge said looking at Wrath, "That's like fucking rape. Do you know that?"
"He loves me."

I wasn't sure who attacked first. I believed they both attacked each other at the same time. I hadn't seen Urge move as quickly as he was moving now. He was running towards Wrath and Wrath was running toward him. It was like a clash of titans really. Wrath tried to swing on Urge. Urge ducked it. Urge lifted himself up on the pipes over head. I had seen him do pullups a hundred times from these pipes. He pulled himself now. Quickly situating himself above his brother. He wrapped his feet around Wrath's neck! I could have sworn Wrath was done for but Wrath managed to shake him off. He managed to toss Urge's body into the sink.

He had hit Urge so hard that the sink broke.

I couldn't help but to run over and jump on Wrath's back at that moment. I started to choke Wrath but Wrath was having it. He clawed at me managing to pull me off of him.

I was in his arms immediately and I saw him tossing me out into the locker room area.

I slid across the floor.

"What's going on?"

It was Craving, Allure and the others.

"It's that fucking nut job Wrath. He was sneaking on me showering..."

Assassins Desire MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now