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Urge's voice was fierce and his command was loud.


I threw the knife. Perfect target.


I threw another knife. Perfect...



"Again. Again. Again. Again."

Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Shit...off target.

"What the fuck was that?" Urge asked me, "Are you joking me right now...that is almost an inch from the target. Since when do you miss by an inch?'

It had been months. I wasn't sure how many but if I had to guess I would have said eight. It kind of scared me to ask for the date. The date meant time. It meant time in the outside world that I was losing. It meant time that I would never get back. We were still in rank 3 and still mastering our weapon skills. Sometimes I thought Rank 3 would last forever. I didn't think it was possible that I could get any better with my knife skills. I didn't think it was possible that anyone was better than me...anywhere. When you do something over and over again everyday you tend to be the best at it.

"I'm sorry," I told him.

"You think the moderators care if you're sorry? You know who else is sorry? Yearn is sorry. Carnal is sorry. There are lot of sorry-ass dead people. And you know what? Don't think an inch doesn't matter. It does. Everyone is getting better. Not just you. Do you want to make it to Rank 4 or not?"

The moderators were right behind us taking notes on my performance. I had been throwing knives across 20 feet distances all day at wooden target with an extremely tiny target outlined by it. Urge had removed the regular targets and hung up the expert level targets. I could have mentioned that to him. I also hadn't missed in weeks even by an inch in weeks. I could have mentioned that point to Urge as well but I knew it wouldn't matter to him.

"I'll be better," I corrected myself.
It wasn't good enough for Urge.

"I'll be the best."

He nodded. He put a comforting hand on the back of my neck. Every once in a while he would touch me...even a little bit. It meant the world when he did though. Just a soft touch that let me know that he cared. It was more then he gave anyone else in the world.

A soft touch was all that I needed from him.

"C'mon let's hit the showers..."

He had gotten out of the showers at the same time as me. We spent a lot of the day together. Craving was pissed about it. The most I saw Craving was in the mess hall. I spent most of my day training intensely with Urge. I felt stronger. I could do anything now. I was living weapon and I knew it.

"That water never gets fucking warm," I complained and turned around to see him, "It's like—"

Urge was drying off his skin. Seeing him naked never got tired. My mouth dropped. My eyes just stared at him. I just watched his carved torso and his round ass. He had the deepest V's everywhere over his body. There was a deep V right above the arch of his ass. There was a deep V in his back when he flexed. There was deep V in his abdomen area. His dick was beautiful. It had a slight bend to it that I always thought was the cutest thing in the world.

Yes I was still in love with him even after all these months. I was more in love with him than ever and I didn't know if that was possible.

Urge caught me staring.


"You said 'it's like'. You just stopped talking mid-sentence."

Yeah. He still didn't care about how I looked at him. He had to have noticed. I wasn't the type of person who was scared to look. He had to know by now how I felt by him. He had to know I worshiped the ground he walked on. Urge wasn't an idiot. He knew.

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