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Urge had just admitted that he was Tom's son. Tom was the leader the Assembly. He was that handsome middle aged black man that I had met when I'd first come here. He was the reason that we were were all here. I couldn't believe it but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense.

"He's lying," Passion stated, bluntly.

"He's not lying," Allure responded.

Allure was smarter than Passion. I knew that for sure. She crossed her hands. Her thick Russian accent echoed through the dormitory. She had this cold look on her face; a silent, deadly Nikita.

"How do you know?"

Allure responded coldly, "Before I came here I was a sniper for the armed forces of the Russian Military. I was top in the country serving directly under the Defense Minister. For three years I trained. I should be the top in this class. I'm not. Urge is. He's done this training before."

It all made sense now why Allure was so talented. She was in the military. I didn't think it was fair. She was in the military and I was about to go to cooking school to be a chef. Really? How the fuck did they choose me?

Allure accepting it seemed to make everyone else accept it too. It was clear that she was one of the strongest and people looked up to her. Passion eyes glared at him. She did it in a way that made me suspicious really.

"She's right," he said, "I've done this training before...twice..."

"How the FUCK is that fair?" Passion went in.

I didn't understand how she thought this was about being fair. I didn't understand how she was even thinking right now. None of this was fair. Us being removed for our lives and trained as assassins wasn't fair.

"My father isn't a fair man. Or a good man. He doesn't work for any of the governments directly. He's sponsored by the worst men in the world. Once we get out of here we will become the bad guys. We will be the terrorists..."

I knew we had been just drunk talking. I suspected it. I didn't see any government training their operatives by kidnapping them. I didn't see that happening.

"Why did you train multiple times?" Craving asked.

" I never made the team. I was on Gluttony's team first. My codename was Greed then. The next time I was on Envy's team. My codename was Jealousy. This is my third time trying out for a team. Unlike the others I'm not killed if I don't make the team. I am just recycled through the process because of the fact that my father is the leader of this."

I thought it was fucked up really. I thought it was all fucked up but I didn't say anything. I didn't have the chance. I was on my guard for some reason. I was on my guard because I noticed that Allure had a look in her eyes. I had seen the look before.

"Interesting isn't it Allure?" Romance stated.

"Yes," Allure stated with a smile on her face, "Tom's son right here. Why don't we send a message to Tom. Why don't we let Tom know that I was the WRONG BITCH to kidnap. Romance, Glamour..."
It was an attack.

Glamour was the first to try to go for Urge. She had jumped on the bed next to Urge and was attempting to leap on him. Urge wasn't moving! He wasn't moving!
I was though. I was moving before I knew my body would. I didn't know I was so fast. I found myself right in front of Urge before Glamour could get on top of him. I hit her midair, delivering a high punch to her abdomen.

She was tossed back by the impact.

Her body slammed into the cart behind her.

Romance was next. She followed up making an attempt to come at once she realized that I was defending Urge. I wished I had a knife. I didn't though. I had to pretend like I had one. For some reason I was holding my hand the same way that I would hold my knife. It made me feel more comfortable.

Assassins Desire MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now