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Hey ladies! I don't know when you guys are going back to school, but I am going to keep on with this series!

Everyone needs a little advice on makeup...

I have been asked so many times how much makeup is appropriate for they grade you may be in. Today I am going to do several grades and if I do not get to your grade, let me know and I will add it on here. 

5th Grade: If you are in 5th grade around me, this year you will start middle school! If I were you I would just stick to little to none. I would go with mascara. A good mascara will bring out your eyes and make them bigger. I would not do lipsticks, they are better for someone a little older. I would do a lip gloss, like the ones from Victoria Secret. If you want to look like you have blush on, then pinch your cheeks, and they will be red and look as though you have on some blush. You can do a little bit of eyeliner, do not do it above your line, it will long weird, in my opinion. I have seen people that put on eyeliner like eye shadow and it just doesn't work. I would just do it on the top line. 

6th Grade: This year you are not the youngest and people know you more and they don't pay as much attention to you. I would do the same things in fifth grade but build up. I would now add eyeliner on the bottom line. Now you can start doing eye shadow. I would stick for now to just basic colors and ideas. 

7th Grade: Do everything I told you below, but with a twist. You can now start doing a powder foundation, but now it is even more important for a good face wash. You can start applying real blush now, make sure it is just a little pink somewhat neutral color, you might want to start out light. 

8th grade: This is the grade where I was doing everything the same but I started doing more smokey eyes. 

9th Grade: You can start doing an eyebrow routine. Getting gels and such. You can use a red blush now and highlight your face and con-tor. I started wearing a foundation in this grade and I loved it, I mean a liquid foundation. 

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