Beauty Hacks

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Hey guys!! I hope you all are enjoying this book! I want you guys to try to make some requests of what you would like to see! So I hope you enjoy this chapter all about beauty hacks!

Use your conditioner as a shaving gel and save money on buying shaving cream. 

To avoid lipstick getting onto your teeth, stick your finger in your mouth and pull it out!

Cover up dark circles by applying concealer in a triangle. 

Apply dry shampoo the night before. 

Drying your hair with a t-shirt helps with the frizzy's!

Check out your makeup in different lighting's to catch any mistakes.

Save a dried up mascara bottle by putting it in a cup of semi boiling water.

Use a dryer sheet to make your frizz go down. 

Apply some Vaseline on your pulse points before spraying perfume to make it last longer. 

Swipe Vaseline, across the lid for a clear glossy look on its own, or add shadow on top for extra staying power.

Turn any powder blush into a cream by swirling in a dab of Vaseline.

Store your fave polishes in the fridge and they'll stay smooth.

Hello Pretty People! I hope you enjoyed this short chapter update! I love writing and I am going to start trying very hard to do updates once or twice a week! Coment some ideas or things you would like to see and you could get a shoutout or dedication! 

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