Frequently Asked Makeup Questions!

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How to correct minor mishaps like, mascara on your skin or lines under your eye?

You can take a Q-Tip and dip it in Makeup remover and just apply it to the needed area. 

How can I make dark, dramatic, eyes? 

Apply Kohl pencil outline top and bottom lashes, and apply black eyeliner to the top only.

How can I get, Longer and Thicker Lashes?

Use an eyelash curler, count to five,then apply base, then apply mascara. 

How can I make my face appear thinner?

Contouring, its the way you do it. Apply blush below your cheekbones, and apply bronzing powder on either side of your throat to extend the liners of your neck. 

How can I get m makeup to last all day?

A makeup setting spray, it will keep things in place really well, it is like a primer, but ontop of your makeup! 

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