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Hey ladies! I hope all of you are enjoying this book, I know I am enjoying writing it! Today we are going to be talking about...... Things People Ask About School

Do people pick on the New Kids? 

No, I have never seen a new kid picked on. I have seen people try and make her feel very welcome. I have seen different groups take them in and kind of make them part of their group. 

Should I be worried about going into Middle or High School?

I'm not going to lie, I was scared to death about going into High School. That was the best year of my life. You learn so many things when you go into these grades, and they make you into who you are. You just need to be yourself and don't let what people do or say effect how you do your thing!

Is it weird that I watch kid shows such as Disney and Nickelodeon? 

NO! I still watch them too. I think they are good and clean shows to watch, and I know people that watch them to!

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