Plus Size!

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Here girls is a plus size section. I have been doing my reserch for you guys about, what people were writing and what you guys would like, and I haven't seen this, and so I am doing this as a special section. So I am just going to be showing you some different tips. 

Don't underestimate NON Plus Stores-

I have been doing some different reserch on stores and I have seen that some that I wouldn't even think has a plus size section or goes up to different plus sizes, such as an 18. 

Try things on-

You will never know if it will fit unless you try it on. Different stores and companies make their clothing different and some could be more forgiving than others. 

Here is something that I just felt the need saying. I believe everyone is beautiful in their own way, shape, and form. I don't mind answering some of your personal questions in my PM. I think you should embrace everything about yourself and I being a plus size girl understand that that is hard to do, but you just have to make yourself realize, I am this way because God made me this way. 

Here are some random tips...

Solid Bold Colors are slimming just like black. 

Pleates at the waist make your bottom look smaller. 

Wearing baggy clothes make you look bigger. 

Pencil Skirts can define your waist and slim you. 

I hope you guys liked this and if you would like more of this then please, please vote and or comment!! 

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