When It's Time To Replace What, Make Up!

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We are going to be talking about a hot topic... When to replace different make up and beauty products! Beware some of this could possibly gross you out!

Mascara: Your mascara touches your eyes and is home to some serious bacteria, it's liquid and tends to grow even more bacteria and you double dip your mascara every time you insert it into the tube which increases your chances of an eye infection. Mascara has the shortest life of all beauty products and should be discarded between 2 to 3 months of using it, if it doesn't dry up anyways. 

Loofah: A lot of people that have bacne and chest acne get if from this. Since they are wet all the time, it is a breeding ground for bacteria. If you notice ANY discoloration or mold on this, trash it! You can try and make it last longer by washing it out thoroughly and then hanging it to dry. 

Lip Gloss: You handle lip gloss a lot and especially if it is the kind you dip your finger in! Cold sores are the most common health risks associated with old lip gloss. You should only keep it for 6 months, Unless it has an expiration date or you notice any color or smell changes. You can make it last longer by switching it out with another one every other day,and not to share with others. 

Foundation: Within months of opening foundation it can start to grow bacteria, which can get very serious. If your foundation has separated or become extremely thick or thin or clumpy, those are signs of it being expired. Normally foundations can last from 6 months to a year. You can extend the life of your foundation by using clean hands, a sponge, or a brush to apply it. Also for it to be in a cool and dry place, but I wouldn't recommend the bathroom.  

Sunscreen: Sunscreen won't protect well after they reach their expiration dates, they will lose some of the good protecting factors. To make it possibly last longer keep it in a cool and dry place. 

Nail Products:If you don't get rid of these before or at their expiration date, they can cause serious infections. If there is no date, look out for spoilage, such as separation. Also you need to replace the tools after a year of use, unless they have bad condition. Store nail polishes in a cool, dry place, and make sure the lids are screwed on tightly. Nail Clippers and file should be cleaned periodically also, to stop any bacteria growing. 

Powdered Anything: Powdered beauty products have the least amount of water in them, so it is hard for bacteria to grow on them. However the brushes you use can carry all sorts of things. These products last one to two years. Cleaning the makeup brushes will help them last longer. 

Thanks for taking time and reading this very long chapter. You guys are so amazing and I thought that you guys deserved a new and long chapter! I just care about you guys so much! 

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