Chapter Eight

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Heya guys here's the next chapter, Really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback. 

Zayn's Pov:

Heartbreak was something I never thought I'd experience. I've never been the kind of person to let things like that get to me. Love was overrated in my books, If somebody dumped me that was it, I'd pick myself up and get on with it, I'd move on, I'd walk away and never look back, So why can't I do that now? Why can't I walk away from the love I had with Niall and never look back? Why is my heart feeling like it's never going to beat again? Why can't I stop the tears from pouring from my eyes? My heart, it hurts it feels like it's never going to be whole again. I want Niall. How can he just walk away from me? How can he just end everything we had? I know it wasn't fair on him, to ask him to lie, But I never wanted to hurt him, I love him, I love him so much. 

"Zayn babe you ok?" Josh asked. 

"Yeah" I mumbled not meaning my answer. Niall dumped me a week ago today, Yet I still can't get over it. I'm falling deeper into depression as the days pass, I can't even look Josh in the eyes without feeling pain, I can't hold him without wanting to throw up, Josh he's amazing but he's not Niall. 

"No your not, Zayn talk to me" Josh said, I rolled my eyes. "Zayn come on" He kept pestering.

"Just leave me alone Josh, Nothings wrong ok!" I yelled quickly standing up and running to the bathroom. Once inside I locked the door behind me, Sliding down the wall more tears falling from my eyes. I wasn't even trying to hide my pain, It was like I couldn't hide it and more importantly I didn't want to. I was happy with Niall, I know it was all dirty and wrong, But I was happy, I've wanted him for so long, And when I got him I made him be something he wasn't, I've lied to the boy who gave me his heart, I've took his trust and burnt it away. I've been hurting Josh not even caring, What am I? I'm some kind of monster, I hurt everyone around me. More tears began to fall from my eyes, More pain began to overtake me, Images began to flash through my mind of me and Niall together, Of me and Josh, Then back to me and Niall, I stood up looking in the mirror, For the first time I didn't care for my appearance. More images flashed through my mind of Niall, Us hugging, Joking around, Kissing, Play fighting, The smiles, The laughs oh god Niall's beautiful angelic laugh, Each time we've made love, Each time it was wrong but we let our love take over. Us allowing our bodies to become one, The sweet gentle moans falling from both our lips, The I love you's being spoken, I couldn't take this anymore, I quickly splashed my face, Before leaving the bathroom and walking straight up to Josh, I grabbed him and pulled him into a passionate kiss, Josh kissed back just as eagerly, I began to pull his shirt from his body.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry" I whispered leaving kisses all over Josh's body, Josh moaned softly into my ear, I quickly picked him up and carried him into our bedroom, Slamming the door behind us, I have to forget about Niall, I just have to. 

The sex never changed anything. It didn't make me love Josh anymore, And it didn't make me forget about Niall, So I found myself walking the streets that night desperately trying to find a way to forget. That's how I ended up scoring drugs. They would help, they would take the pain away, They would make me forget Niall, If only for a while the ache would leave. The pain it would go, If only for awhile my body wouldn't ache for his touch. This is how I ended up back at mine smoking drugs and I then found bottles of pills. The pain was gone.

Niall's Pov:

I've been staying at Harry and Louis for the past week. I couldn't face Zayn. I made up some excuse how I thought him and Josh needed to spend time together, Nobody questioned it. I haven't been answering any of Zayn's texts or phone calls, I thought by now he would be over it, Yet he won't leave me alone, He won't let me be, He won't seem to allow me to move on and forget about him. I was just about to jump in the shower when my phone began to ring from the side table, I looked at the caller ID to see it was Josh, I considered ignoring to call but decided not to. 

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