Chapter Four-Broken Mate

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I'm so happy with the responses and votes so far. Thank you all so much. I'm having an absolute blast writing this book. Also, the updates on chapters will be pretty random. Basically I'll be updating as soon as I have a new chapter, be it every day or once a week. Anyway my peeps, enjoy this next chapter. xxx

Trigger warning guys: abuse & rape.

Evan's POV

I had everything packed and I was waiting for Alpha Jaxon to come back down and also for Nathan and the other Omegas.

I was sitting thinking if I should tell my Mate exactly how broken I was so that he can make a choice if he wanted to reject me or not. I mean, he's an Alpha. He has to consider how all of this will affect how his pack sees me and if anyone would be able to accept and respect me.

It would hurt like a bitch and I would most likely die but I won't blame him if he does reject me.

I was just sitting there coming to the conclusion that I had to tell him everything, when I heard footsteps coming down. I look up and its Alpha Jaxon. I move backwards a bit in fear before I catch myself. Don't ever show weakness. That's my mantra that I stick to. It's what keeps me focused.

"Hi Little One. Are you all packed up?" He asks me. His voice is soft, almost like he is trying to make himself seem less threatening. "Yes Sir. I'm just waiting for my friend Nathan and the other Omegas to get here. May I ask where Alpha Mason is?" I ask him. "First off, my name is Jaxon, not Sir.  And the so-called Alpha is currently being greeted by my Beta and Third"  he says with a smirk on his face. I can just imagine what kind of 'greeting' he is getting. "That's good, um...I need to speak to you privately before the others get here. I would rather be rejected in private than in front of a crowd. By the way,  My name is Evan " I tell him. My words coming out so softly that its barely above a whisper.

Jaxon POV

I look at him, completely mesmerized by his beauty, then his words penetrate through my thoughts. "Why would I possibly want to reject you? I am 29 years old already. I have been looking for you since my 18th birthday. There is no way in hell I am rejecting you. No matter what you have to tell me" I growl out. My wolf is also upset at the thought of rejecting our Mate.

"You might want to wait with that beautiful statement till I tell you everything" he tells me softly. I give him an encouraging smile "Go on little one. Tell me what is on your mind so that I can put it to rest" I tell him. He takes a deep breath then start the most horrifying tale of abuse I have ever heard in my 29 years and my wolf is trying his best to push to the front so he can rip Mason, Dorian and Maxwell apart.

"I was always smaller than the other pups but my parents tried to protect me as much possible. I didn't understand why I was picked on all the time. Then came my 13th birthday. As soon as I changed for the first time, everyone realised that I was an Omega. But apparently I'm not just any Omega. Most are white with blotches of colour. But not me. My wolf is pure white. Not a speck of another colour. Which apparently makes me rare. I don't see what's so special about it though. Anyway, shortly afterwards my parents both died during a Rogue attack. So I had to go into the Alpha's care. Everything was going fine till about a month later. Then the beatings started. For small things I apparently did wrong. I tried my best to not make mistakes or upset anyone. But it was never good enough. Some days I would be beaten so badly that I couldn't walk or anything. That is when my friend Nathan would sneak down here to help me dress my wounds or take me to the Dr if I needed it. Then came my 18th birthday" here he almost looked like he couldn't catch a breath.

I knew what happened to an Omega on their 18th birthday. It's their first heat. And now my wolf was pissed. He just wanted to rip to shreds the vile creatures that dared to lay a hand on his innocent Mate. But I had to control Alarick so that my Mate could carry on with his story. "I'm sure you know what happens to an Omega on their 18th birthday?" He questioned me. I just gave a nod. I was afraid that if I said a word right now, he might not continue, and he needed to get this off his chest.

At my nod he continued. "Yes well, no one told me. Next thing I know, I feel like my body is on fire and I was leaking from the back and so damn confused and in pain. When I went to the Luna to ask for help, she just slapped me and said that what I was going through was a sign that I was just a whore and as such I must be treated like one. So you know what that twisted bitch did? She threw me out the fucking door, in between all the wolves that were outside. They were just coming back from training. By the time they were done with me, I was ripped inside  and out. I was bruised and battered and I could barely move. I spent a week after that in the infirmary.  And since then I have had to endure the Alpha and his Beta sharing me. Sometimes, they would throw me out during my heat coz they know what it does to the males. And as it is I don't heal as fast as other wolves due to not eating properly and my body is just too run down. I also get beatings for standing up for the other Omegas. I only found out about a year ago that I am not the only Omega he does this to. So I have been trying to protect them as much as possible. I clean them up afterwards and take them to the pack doctor if needed."

He finished up his story and I don't even think he realised that he had tears running down his cheeks. I got up and started pacing the floor. I needed to vent this anger somewhere and soon coz I felt like I was gonna explode.  "You can reject me if you want. I can see you are angry at my lack of innocence. I really don't blame you if that is what you want" he tells me quietly. I whirl around so fast, I almost gave myself whiplash. I run to him and scoop him up in my arms. "I think you are beautiful and strong and there is no fucking way in hell that I am rejecting you. You are my Mate and you are stuck with me for the rest of your life" I tell him fiercely.

Just then a guy of about 21 comes down the stairs with the Omegas I saw before. Evan introduces  his friend Nathan and the Omegas to me and they all thank me for helping them and let me know they are ready to go. I link Carter and Sebastian to come down and meet everyone and tell them we are leaving. 

Ten minutes later they come into the basement and Nathan spins around and stares straight at Carter. Carter stiffened and they both said at the same time; Mate, Mine. Well, looks like I'm not the only one to find my Mate in the Bloodvenom Pack.

My poor baby Evan. Still so strong after all the shit he has been through.

Anyway,  you guys know what to do: Vote, Comment,  Share

Love lots xxx

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