Chapter Twenty One - Death & Birth

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Hey guys. Hope all of you are still loving this book.  As the title says, we will be having some bitches dying and then the awesome birth of the Triplets. Enjoy xxx

Jaxon's POV

It's been a week since Evan took Mason out in such a spectacular fashion and in that time, his powers have seemed to almost triple in power. It radiates off him all the time now, instead of just when he gathers it in to use. He has been down to the cells a few times to make sure Melinda, Natalie and Naomi felt his wrath for what they have done and as he predicted, they were now begging for the Council to come and end their misery. I was very worried about him at first, thinking that his power might have caused him to become a bit power-crazed, so I went to visit Josephine to consult with her.

That crazy woman had me blushing like a school boy before I was even through the door as she started talking about my mating with Evan. She started asking the most awkward questions about sex with my Mate and how good it must have been to shoot such strong sperm to produce triplets. Goddess, I was so embarrassed. When I finally got her off the subject and asked her about Evan's behaviour, she explained that, because he is a White Wolf, and also, because of what he has been through, he needed to get all the anger and resentment out of his system before he had the pups. And unfortunately for the fuckers in the cells, he had a lot of that built up. 

Apparently it could actually drive him to insanity if he left it all in and it would cause his powers to become erratic. So with that knowledge, I stopped worrying about him going to the cells. I left him to get it all out of his system. Then yesterday, he woke up and said he was done with the cells, and as I looked at him, I noticed how much more calm and relaxed he had become. It seems like he has worked it all out finally. So we spent a beautiful day at the Lake, with a picnic basket filled with delicious food and a blanket. We made love out in the open and afterwards, just lay there, taking comfort in each others arms. We only came back as the sun was setting, for the first time feeling 100% at ease with each other and our surroundings. 

Now today, we have the Council here to pass the sentences on the traitors in the cells. The meeting is in an hour and Evan and I are both expected to attend to give our version of all that had happened. Currently, the Council members were being set up in their rooms and the meeting hall is being prepared for them. Evan and I just got out the shower, where I had him slammed up against the wall for most of the time we were in there. I felt my wolf sigh in satisfaction and couldn't help the grin on my face.

"What are you grinning about, hmm?" Evan asks with a cheeky little grin of his own. He knows exactly how he affects me and loves using it to his advantage. It also doesn't help that the pregnancy hormones seem to be turning my slightly shy Mate into a horny little puppy lately. I mean, we have literally fucked on every available surface in our apartment, walls included. It's like he never gets enough, but my favourite is still the shower. In there I get the added visual of the water cascading over his creamy, pale skin, making me want to chase the droplets with my tongue. I shook my head at the distracting thoughts and pulled him closer to me, wrapping my arms around his tiny frame.

"I'm just thinking that I am the luckiest man to ever walk this earth. I don't know what I ever did to deserve a Mate as amazing as you, but I thank the Goddess every single day for you." I whisper against his lips before flicking my tongue out and licking his lower lip. He whimpered against my mouth and we got thrown into a heated kiss. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end as we didn't have time for this right now. We had to get ready for the meeting, so I pulled away from his soft lips and put my forehead against his, panting for air. He was doing the same, both of us trying to calm ourselves down. 

Eventually I released him and we both quickly got dressed in some button up shirts, his blue and mine green, and some black trousers. Just as we were both adding finishing touches to our hair in the bathroom, we heard a knock on the door. Evan finished his hair and went to see who it was.

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