Chapter Nineteen - I'm coming for you

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Hey guys, only a few more chapters left of this book. I can believe the amount of positive feedback I've gotten for my book and I'm feeling pretty proud of myself at the moment. I want to thank all of you for the support and love you have given myself as well as my story. Now enjoy the next chapter and let me know what you think. xxx

Evan's POV

My blood was racing through my veins and my heart thumping. I was angry, actually beyond angry. I was fucking livid and saddened at the same time. I had just found out how Naomi's betrayal had affected her father and that he had died, rescuing me, all because that ungrateful little bitch destroyed his heart beyond repair. She broke him, and for what? A snivelling little attention whore like Melinda. Well, I might not have Melinda yet, but I do have the other two and I'm on my way to pay them a visit. Let's see how they handle a pissed off, pregnant Luna. 

At first Jaxon had tried to stop me from coming here, but I just sent a glare in his direction and he backed off immediately. He knew and understood why I had to do this. I had met Ash just after I got here and at first I was intimidated by his size, but then I actually got to spend some time with him as he accompanied me when I went to the Lake for my training sessions and he was awesome. He was so kind and gentle and went out of his way to make sure I was comfortable at all times. He had even started teaching me some hand to hand combat moves. I also knew how close Jax was to the man as he had told me that he learnt his Alpha duties from his dad but the rest he learnt from Ash, so he was hurt by the death of a man he considered his mentor and a very dear friend. And if you hurt my Mate or my Pack you will pay for it. 

I got to the cells and Carter was there waiting for me. Jax would have come with me, but he had an important meeting with Eric and Damion concerning Mason. So he asked Carter to meet me here to make sure I didn't strain myself or get hurt.

We entered through the door and made our way to the very back room. It was just a small, bare room, no furniture, blank coloring on the walls and concrete floor. This specific room wasn't soundproof like the other one. I needed Natalie to hear Naomi's screams, because this wasn't just payback for Ash. I needed to know if these girls knew where Melinda could possibly have gone. We walked past Natalie's cell and she glared at me. I just smirked at her and walked past. Naomi was tied to a chair in the middle of the room and there was another in front of it for me. Connie, the female warrior that Jax used for these purposes was standing one side, waiting for me to begin, but I actually won't be needing her. Naomi was mine to punish, and don't get the wrong idea about me, I don't hit women and I had no intention of physically touching her. But I needed to get my daily training and this horrible excuse for a human being made for good target practice and the bitch deserved everything coming to her.

Naomi sneered at me when she saw it was me walking in, then paled down when she saw Carter. Oh no honey, Carter is not the one you should be fearing right now, I thought to myself, smirking. I went and sat in the chair opposite her and kept quiet, just staring at her, waiting for her to open her idiotic mouth. I could feel my power building inside me as I sat waiting, biding my time. After about fifteen minutes of this, she snapped. "What do you want omega? Are you just going to be sitting there all day staring at me like an idiot? You know that since you came, you have done nothing but break this Pack apart. Alpha should have rejected you the minute he saw you. Melinda is and always will be a far better match for him!" she ranted and I left her to do so, not saying a word in my defense. Carter was red in the face and Connie looked like she was about to unleash a world of hurt on Naomi, but I held my hand up to stop both of them. I can look after myself and I didn't take what she had said about me, to heart. She scoffed at the motion and was just about to say something again, but she never got a chance.

As she opened her mouth to start up again, I used my powers and with a flick of my hand I removed all the air from her lungs. She sat there straining against her bonds and gasping, trying to get some air into her starved lungs. I smirked at her, releasing her from my power, then sat back, waiting. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you fucking crazy, you could have killed me!" she shouted at me. I actually burst out laughing at the irony of her words. "You do realise you are awaiting your death sentence for Treason, right?" I asked, trying to control my laughter. 

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