Chapter Six-Silver Shadow Pack

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Hey guys. Next chapter is here. Not too much drama yet. Things will start getting more interesting in the next chapter. But for now, there is some more sweetness, a bit of drama and some posessiveness. Let me know what you guys think. xxx

Jaxon's POV

We were almost home and I couldn't wait. I'm still a bit shocked at Evan's show of possesiveness. To say I wasn't expecting that would be an understatement. I would have thought that after everything he has been through, he wouldn't show much interest, but damn, I'm gonna have to watch what I do to not trigger his jealousy.  I must admit,  it was hot seeing my little man get all worked up. And he musn't think I didn't notice the heat in his gaze when he looked at my naked body. Made me and my wolf extremely happy.

We entered my Pack Lands and Evan sat up and started looking around him with interest. I can't wait to see his face when he sees the Pack House. It really is a sight to behold.

We go around the last bend and I watch him. His eyes go absolutely enormous at his first sighting of the house. "What do you think Little One? Do you think you can make this your home?" I ask him softly. He turns to me with a small smile on his face, "Its amazing. I can't believe how beautiful and big it is" he exclaims softly. "As for me being happy here, well that depends on you, don't you think" he tells me with a challenging glint in his eyes. I laugh out loud, "I suppose you are right, little one. And I will do my utmost best to do exactly that" I tell him with a grin.

As we come to a stop, the doors of the house open and I silently groan. And out comes Melinda, Naomi and Natalie. And if you wanna know who they are, they are what you would call Pack Sluts.  They would literally fuck anything with a penis. And Melinda has made no secret of the fact that she wants to be Luna. I have never touched her, no matter how many times she has thrown herself at me. I won't say I'm an angel. But I'm not promiscuous by a long shot. I get out the van and help Evan out. Melinda walk closer, hips swaying and I watch her warily. "Hello handsome, I've been waiting patiently for you to get back" she said, winding her arms around my neck. I tried to get her arms off me and push her away. Before I could do so however,  I hear the tearing of material. I look to my left, where Evan had been standing. And in his place, is the most beautiful, snow white wolf I had ever seen. And he was snarling and stalking towards me and Melinda. "You might want to let go Melinda or you are gonna have to deal with my Mate and he's a bit on the jealous side" I tell her quickly. I will deal with her, but in a non-violent way. "O please, like I'm gonna be worried about a little Omega" she sneers at Evan. Although, she lets go and takes a step back. Evan goes right up to her and all of a sudden launches himself at her. But he didn't bite her. Nope, my jealous and cheeky little Mate, shoves her to the ground and then proceeds to pin her down and piss all over her. Melinda is screaming and trying to shove Evan off her. He steps away and shifts back. "Dont ever touch what is mine, ever again. This is your one and final warning. Next time, it's your fucking throat, do you understand me bitch!" He growls at her.

I quickly grab a pair of shorts that a pack member hands me and give it to him, trying not to stare at his nudity. "Calm down little one. She isn't worth it and I will deal with her" I tell him. "Remind me not to ever piss you off though" I tell him with a grin. "It will do you good to keep that in mind Alpha" he tell me with a cheeky smile. "Mate is gonna be a handful" Alarick huffs with a grin. Yep, he sure is. I tell him. And I'm more than up for the challenge, I think while a smirk spreads over my mouth. Evan looks at me suspiciously but then shrugs.

"Let me go show you where our rooms are, so we can get you settled" I tell him. He looks at me and I can see the stark fear in his eyes. m..mean I h.have to s.share a room w..with you, " he stutters out. I can understand his fear, but it's precicly because of that, that I can't have him out of my sight. "Yes, but you have nothing to fear from me little one. I will never hurt you." I try to calm him down. " I ...I''ll try" he tells me. But he still looks a bit uncomfortable. "You are my Mate, my other half. I will protect you from all harm,  and  keep you safe. But I can only do that where I can see you. If you are worried about the mating, then don't be. I will wait for when you are ready for that". I tell him. He looks at me and a dark red blush covers his cheeks. He looks absolutely adorable like that. "Okay, thank you Jaxon" he says quietly. 

We head into the house and I take him right up to the top floor. The entire top floor is the Alpha's apartment. I took him to drop his bags off our room and then I took him on a tour through the apartment. When we reached the kitchen I thought about the fact that he probably missed lunch. "What would you like for dinner? I just realised you must have missed lunch". I asked him. "Um..anything is  fine. I'm not a fussy eater. " he tells me. He has become a bit fidgety now that we were on our own. I move closer to him and put my arms around his small body, "Dont be nervous Little One. I won't hurt you". At first he held his body stiff but the longer I held him, the more he relaxed. I kissed his forehead and then turned away from him to start dinner.

"You are lucky my parents are traveling at the moment, my mom gets a bit enthusiastic sometimes. They will only be back at the end of the month. So you have 3 more weeks to settle in before you have to deal with her craziness". I tell him with a smile on my face. I love my mom to bits, but she is enough to drive a person nuts. He looks apprehensive for a minute, then, it's as if he wills himself to calm down.

We carried on talking while I cooked some simple Mac 'n Cheese. We had a quiet meal then sat in the lounge watching a movie. Eventually he fell asleep and his head rolled onto my shoulder. Once our bodies made contact, it was as if he was subconsciously looking for my body heat and he snuggled closer. I left him to fall into a deeper sleep before I picked him up gently and took him to our room. I laid him down on the bed and decided to rather leave him with his clothes on. I didn't want him waking up in the morning and panicking. So I pulled  the comforter on the bottom of the bed over him and went to the other side of the bed.

I stripped down to my boxer briefs and got in. As soon as I lay down, he started moving towards me till he was completely plastered to my side. I just lay there looking at him for a long time, while he slept. Till eventually my eyes started to drift closed. It's been a long day, but so worth it, I thought as my body relaxed and I slowly went to sleep. Tomorrow is another day to deal with Melinda and everything else. Right now, I had my Mate in my arms and I couldn't be happier.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Yes, Evan is not gonna be your usual little scared Omega that is terrified of everything around him. He is scared, but he is also extremely feisty and as you can see, possessive. He is strong, even if he doesn't see it that way at the moment. Thanks for reading and you know what to do: vote,  comment & share.

Love lots xxx

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