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Oh my God guys, this is it. We are at the end of Evan and Jaxon's story, but it's not the end of our Silver Shadow Pack. Once I am done with the Epilogue, I will post a small teaser of what the sequel will be about as well as it's cover. I just wanted to thank all my readers and let you know how much I enjoyed taking this journey with you guys. xxx

18 Years Later

Evan's POV

The Pack House was in chaos as people were running around making last minute touches to the place. What's all the excitement for, you ask? Well, our three boys were turning eighteen today and we have invited unmated members from other Packs to attend their birthday party as well, hopefully making it easier to find their Mates. 

Currently Phoenix, Paxton and Peyton were at the Mall, giving us a chance to get everything set up. It's not like it's a surprise party or anything, but to have those three underfoot when you are trying to get something done, was like have a bunch of toddlers around, instead of fully grown men.

Phoenix and Paxton, both stood at 6,3, with Black hair and dark eyes and almost identical in looks. Peyton though, was their complete opposite. His hair was long and looked like spun gold, his features as delicate as any girl. In fact, we have all lost count of the amount of times we have had to correct someone for thinking he was a girl. His height also frustrated him, standing at only 5,5, he was tiny and very fragile looking compared to his brothers, making them extremely protective of him.

The poor man Mated to Peyton is going to have to go through his brothers as well as myself and Jaxon. I'm not handing my baby over to just anyone, to use as they pleased. We all know what would happen as soon as Peyton met his Mate, his wolf colour was confirmed when he was thirteen and shifted into a White Wolf. I just hope they all got Mates that would be good to them and be there for them when needed.

I shake my head to get rid of my thoughts and carry on putting up decorations, while I could see Jax was in the kitchen, irritating the cook by stealing her pastries that were on the counter. I giggled as he came running towards me, with the cook right on his heels. I jumped aside so they wouldn't hit me and just left them to carry on. He got himself into that mess, he could get himself out of it.

The party was due to start in an hour, when the boys finally got home and I rushed them upstairs to go and get ready. The party was to start at six, then as was custom, at twelve, our sons should be able to find their Mates scent if they were here. So I rushed them to finish and then I went to our room to finish getting ready as well. Jax was ready ages ago, so he was downstairs seeing to the last minute touches and making sure everything was perfect.

"Come on boys, time to go greet our guests!" I called out as soon as I was ready. I got a chorus of "coming" before they all came trooping down the hallway. Peyton walking in his usual spot between his brothers. They were all dressed in formal trousers and button-up shirts, looking every bit the future rulers they are. I felt my heart swell with pride, as I looked at my sons, and they must have sensed my mood, because next thing I know, I am sandwiched in between my boys as they all hugged me tightly. I give them each a kiss on the cheek, before leading them downstairs and to the door, where people will start arriving any minute now.

The boys greeted everyone very politely and soon the party was under way. We were about fifteen minutes away from twelve and everyone was called out to the backyard. I stood ready beside Peyton as I knew he would go into heat as soon as he turned eighteen and there was no way in hell I was allowing any unmated males to touch my baby. Only his Mate was allowed to touch him. I had prepared him for this since he hit his teens, there was no way in hell I was going to leave him in the dark like I was. 

The Alpha's Broken Mate (BoyxBoy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin