Chapter Twenty - Finally fighting back

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Hey guys. after this chapter there will be one more before the Epilogue. I'm actually sad to say goodbye to my babies. I will be taking a break over the Xmas and New Year season then start something else in the new year. I have an idea for a new book, but it's still in the very beginning stages. Please let me know if you want a follow-up story of anyone else in this book. Maybe the Triplets? Anyway, enjoy xxx

Jaxon's POV

We reached the outskirts of the clearing where the Cabin stood. We could see a lot of Rogues moving around, obviously on guard duty and some just sitting and relaxing. I mind-linked everyone to charge in and take out the ones outside as soon as they got the signal from Evan. Evan had a plan to clear a path for the two of us to get through to the entrance of the cabin. 

Evan changed back to his human form and quickly put the pants he had tied around his ankle, back on. He stood surveying everything in front of him and then raised his hands. It was eerie to feel the amount of power radiating from him, but it also made me feel unbelievable proud of my badass Mate. We had already found out from Elder Josephine, that , because his power is a part of him, it will not harm our pups if he used it. It might make him a bit tired, but that was more mental exhaustion than physical. 

Evan's raised hands were the signal the Warriors were waiting for so they charged out of the woods and into the clearing, surprising the hell out of everyone there. In that moment of shocked silence, Evan unleashed his powers and used it to literally swipe everyone out of our way, leaving a clear pathway to the door. I stayed in wolf form and followed him as he started forward purposefully. He was on a mission and he would not leave here until he has fulfilled it. I felt a sense of dread at having him so close to danger, but I also knew this was something he absolutely had to do. So I just put my own feelings aside and vowed to not let any harm come to my Mate. 

We were almost at the door when two wolves came charging at us and before I could even do anything, Evan shouted in frustration and swiped them into some trees at the edge of the clearing. They hit the trees hard and I'm pretty sure I heard bones snap. But Evan didn't even pay attention to them after that. He was focused on that door and nothing else as he strode forwards. As we got closer, I felt more and more power building inside of him and I was shocked at how much of it there was. If the feeling I'm getting is any indication, then I haven't even seen half of my Mate's true powers. 

He flicked his wrist at the door and it flew inwards, revealing Melinda's parents  just inside the entrance of the cabin, with looks of absolute dread on their faces. They should have thought it through when they decided to help their daughter. I went and stood right up against my Mate, my head reaching his shoulders. Evan looked towards me, gave me a soft smile of thanks and then he let his gaze roam the interior on the place. I saw him stop on a pile of ropes, with what looks to be silver thread wrapped around the entire rope. I'm assuming that rope was meant for my Mate and I growled out loudly in anger. Evan put a hand on my side to calm me then he made another hand gesture and the ropes flew through the air and started wrapping around the traitorous couple, binding them tightly and from the looks of it, causing a shit ton of pain.

Evan bent down close to their faces and smirked at the look of fear in their eyes. "All I want to hear out of your mouths right now is Mason and Melinda's whereabouts. I don't want to hear about anything else, only that. I am not here for you and I will gladly let the Council and my Mate deal with you, but those two are mine, so now, speak up." He told them, with such a menacing tone to his voice that even I was taken by surprise. This was my sweet and soft Mate, sounding more deadly and cold than anyone else I have ever come across.

They didn't answer him for a few minutes, just stared at him, shaking. Then they both motioned towards the kitchen and Melinda's father just said one word, "floor" and left it at that. Far too terrified and also humiliated to say anything else. So we left them there, tied up and made our way into the kitchen. We looked around the floor and at first we couldn't see anything, but then we moved the table and the rug it was standing on, and found a trap door. What the hell is it with these people and being underground. Anyway, we opened it and started down the stairs and found a door at the bottom.

The Alpha's Broken Mate (BoyxBoy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ