♡Chapter 3♡

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Thrid person's pov,

Eleanor hugged the living day light out of her best friends brother as she entered the famous 1D house. She glanced around the room in hope of finding her best friend, but with no luck she focused all her attention on Liam.

"Where is thay boy!" Eleanor said as she glanced at Liam.

"He's probaly sleeping" Liam said with a wide smile.

"What a shock" Eleanor said as he rolls her eyes, she sighed in loss of hope of finding her bestfriend as soon as she arrived.

She smiled politly at Liam before kindly asking the older lad for her guest room. Even though she was eager as hell to see her best friend, she was utterly exuasted. All she wanted to do was cuddle into her blanket and take a long and relaxing nap.

On her way to her room, she stumblled upon meeting Niall and Zayn, they thought she was a crazy and obessed fan who had broken into their house, not that you can blame them. At the first sight of the two pop stars, she let out a ear ringing scream. While Niall was thinking that the entire world could have heard this girl, Liam rushed into the room to see what all the noise was about.

Liam explained that this was Harry's friend that would be staying with them for a while, of course Zayn and Niall knew this but they've never actually met her. And her first apperance was kind of ear bursting, if you know what I mean.

Throughout all the noise, Louis rushed down the stairs in panic. He was sure his heart stopped when he saw Eleanor, he was 100% sure he would have a heart attcack from this girls blinding beauty.

She was absoutly stunning in his eyes, it then hit him that this is the girl he had been stalking on Instagram. Never in his life did he think he'd be seeing her in real life.

But then the hard core truth hit him, this was Harry's friend, the girl that would be staying with them. Mabye having Harry here won't be so bad after all, Louis thought.

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