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DEMI P.O.V.:  My life was in complete chaos, I left rehabilitation a month ago and I'm going to show my new album in a month, I don't have many scheduled presentations, or interviews and that's what makes my advertising work more difficult than what it already is.

I was at the record company organizing possible dates for my tour and looking for stadiums to do the concerts when Phil came into my office. He was again my manager so everything was under control again.

Phil: Well Demi, we have an interview with Ellen in 4 days and one with Elvis Duran in 2 days

Demi: great, I got for GMA, a presentation for next week, I also have the merchandise to promote the album on the way, I'm putting the prices to some things and I must also start with the signatures of the albums, posters, photos and other things

Phil: you're better than ever at this

Demi: I'm happy to get back into the ring, I want to see my Lovatics and that's why I'm looking for presentations, I want them to be able to see that I'm well and healthy

Phil: they will, listen ... why don't you take a break and eat something? when you come back I will take my rest

Demi: sure? we have a lot of work to do

Phil: go to rest an hour or two, we will relay and meanwhile I will look for a presentation to do with one of your next collaborations

Demi: okay, I'll go eat something nearby and come back in an hour to work

Phil: okay, see you in a while, take care

Demi: I'll do it, bye

Phil: goodbye

I was happy that things were going well with the promotion of the album but in fact it was costing a bit. I ordered a salad and a piece of meat and I had lunch watching my text messages until Selena called me.

Demi: hi

Selena: hi friend

Demi: how are you?

Selena: excellent, in fact I wanted to know how were you

Demi: better than ever, things with my album are going well and I am happy and healthy again

Selena: I'm very happy to hear that, my Demi is back

Demi: Yes, I'm ready to go back to the ring ... Do you want us to see each other to talk a little of us?

Selena: Sure, tomorrow?

Demi: Of course, there is always time for you Selly

Selena: aww, I miss you so much (I was going to answer her but another call came)

Demi: wait, I have another call, I'll leave you online while I answer, don't hang up

Selena: okay (I changed the call, unknown number)

Demi: hi?

X: hello

Demi: who speaks?

X: we communicate with you from the X Factor USA, we were interested in having a meeting with you

Demi: how do you say? (My eyes opened like two plates and my heart quickened ... I didn't want to meet those people)

X: First thing tomorrow you have the opportunity to meet with some people, but if you arrive after 8 a.m. we will take it as disinterested and you'll lose the chance

Demi: chance to do what? a presentation?

X: come to the meeting and you will know ... bye


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