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DEMI P.O.V.: I was getting ready to sing at the X Factor while thinking bout the offer of working here again. I didn't know what to do but I had some tipe of answer to.give to them. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled before going to the stage, once the presenter called my name, I entered and started singing "Sober", I looked at the people and everyone was shouting and crying and I felt loved...but then I saw him and like, I almost forgot my lyrics. Somehow I managed to continue singing as he stared at me in the eye.

I ended the song and he stood up to clap, I smiled to the audience and left before I could even look at his eyes again. I ran to my dressing room and closed the door just when I started sobbing. I calmed down and changed my clothes until I heard someone at the door.

I opened it carefully and there was the assistant that talked with me a couple of days ago.

Assitant: hi

Demi: hello

Assistant: do you have an answer?

Demi: actually...yes, I do

Assistant: and?

Demi: I guess I'm in for another season on the USA TV

Assistant: that's awesome, you start working in four days...panel partners: Simon Cowell, Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes

Demi: oh, for God's sake...okay, I'm gonna go, bye (I took my bag and went out of there to be driven home. Once I entered my room, I collapsed in the bed and turned the TV on, I was watching some movies when I saw it on Twitter.

"@therealsimoncowell started following you"

He fucking made a Twitter for himself, I followed him back and a couple of minutes later, he posted his first tweet ever.

"It's funny because I wasn't warned about it...I guess some people won't be getting their money this month."

I looked at that tweet like a hundred times and knew that he wasn't warned about me singing today. And I'll work with him in gour days. Shit.

Maybe is not too late {Dimon} Where stories live. Discover now