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DEMI P.O.V.: We arrived the restaurant laughing and being happy, I was always with Mila and the boys were talking about his things behind us while entering the place.

Camila: have you ever seen like a real horror movie?

Demi: of course, I like them

Camila: what kind of human you are? I hate that, like...I'm a very weak person when it comes to horror movies

Demi: I think once you'd watch one or two, then you'd get used to it

Camila: I'm not watching that movies

Demi: oh really? You're such a kiddo

Camila: and a very proud one (we laughed and sat on a table, Simon was right in front of me, Camila by my side and Shawn in front of her)

Shawn: well, can we talk a bit now? You talked all the way here

Camila: it's not our fault that you guys are boring

Demi: yeah, and don't have a conversation theme

Simon: you took all off of our mouths (we all laughed and starting eating) so, how are you doing with the programme?

Camila: who are you asking?

Simon: Shawn and you, Demi worked on the X Factor before

Shawn: we are doing well I guess, it's funny and you get to know some very very good talents

Camila: I think that it's pretty amazing too, but since I was there one time it's so hard for me to say "no" to the contestants...because, you know

Demi: I know right? That happened to me the first time I worked on it...like, me, personally, I know how it feels to work really hard for something and not getting it, and it's horrible to destroy people dreams

Simon: I don't know

Shawn: but you're a mean man Simon

Dimon: instructive (we laughed remembering that he told me that answer some years ago and he looked in my eyes)

The dinner went really good and we decided tp walk to our houses, the 4 houses were close to each other so it was just some avenues from one to another. The first one in arrive home it was Shawn.

Shawn: thanks for the night, bye

All: bye

Camila: how does it feels like to be walking with the girl that only watched one direction videos and sang karaoke?

Demi: weird, you've come a long way little girl and I'm proud of you

Camila: OMG I love you (she hugged me and some minutes later we arrived to her house) thank you both so much for everything, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys. I love you both forever (she hugged us btoh and entered her house. We continued walking in silence til he got closer to me)

Demi: it's a beautiful night

Simon: it is (he looked at the moon and I realized how much I love him. As a friend, if course) what?

Demi: you're one of my favorites persons in the world

Simon: you're making me blush (he laughed and I stoped him)

Demi: no, Simon, I'm being honest...I really adore you

Simon: well ummm, I wasn't expecting that

Demi: how not? It's pretty obvious (he hugged me and we walked some streets that way until we arrived to my house) here we are

Simon: exactly

Demi: and now?

Simon: I have to walk 5 avenues more to get home

Demi: where's Eric?

Simon: with Lauren's mom

Demi: oh, ummm...would you like to stay the night here? So you don't have to walk that much, I don't know, it was just an idea (I shrugged)

Simon: well ummm, yes, yes...why not?

Demi: good, come in (we entered my house and I smiled to myself)

Maybe is not too late {Dimon} Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon