The Point

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DEMI P.O.V.: I returned to my house before Simon and I could not stop thinking about what I had done, but ... what should I do exactly? kiss him? I do not think it's right or good for the moment. On the other hand, I regret not having done it, because I know how horrible it is to be rejected by a kiss and even then I walked away just when his lips were about to touch mine.

When I got home I went straight to my bed, it was almost time to sleep so I prepared popcorn and started watching series. My eyes were closing when I received a message.


I hesitated a few seconds to read it and finally, I did.

Simon😝: I hope you have had a good time at my beach house ... I did it. Thank you for letting me help you and I'm very sorry about what happened today. See you tomorrow.

Demi🙌: Hi, thanks for everything you've done for me this past days, I'm really grateful with you and I had a very great time...see ya at work

The next day I woke up at 7 a.m. and went to the stadium to shoot the X Factor again, I was talking to Mila and Shawn when he arrived.

Simon: good morning kids

Shawnmila: good morning

Simon: good morning Demi

Demi: morning (he kissed my cheek and sat next to Camila)

Camila: we could go eat to a restaurant after de shooting

Shawn: I'm in

Simon: I don't know

Camila: and you Demi?

Demi: yeah, totally

Simon: well, I'll go (Shawn and Camila laughed and I rolled my eyes) I'll go see if everything is ready to shoot

Shawn: fine (he walked away and they started laughing)

Demi: what are you laughing at?

Camila: God, Simon's in love with you

Shawn: or at least, likes you

Demi: no way, that's not even possible

Camila: I bet it is

Once we ended the shooting we were backstage ready to go to this restaurant when some girl started screaming at Simon, I went there and saw what was happening.

X: I deserved that place, and you know why I didn't enter? Because you and that stupid little plastic girl said no to me. And I'm mad because either of you know something about music, she's a very stupid little girl who flopped with her band and without it too, sings like a mouse and so extremely fake with everyone and then, old man good for nothing who came to your place for pity, you know nothing about music and your artists at some point always end up failing, you think you're a lot but you disgust us all ... you're just a damn old decrepit and disgusting , you sexually abuse all your artists and employees, just as you must have done with Demi (she pointed out to me) you make me sick (she spat at Simon) you do not deserve anything you have, I hope you die

Simon: enough? (She started walking away but I called her)

Demi: hey you! (She looked at me) yes you, come! listen to me well, insolent girl, do you know who is that man you just insulted?

X: Simon Cowell, I know

Demi: well that does not matter to me, it's a person and it deserves respect just like you, me, Camila, your mother, Shawn and all the people

X: my mother deserves much more respect than this rapper of young pop stars

Demi: we all deserve the same respect, and you do not have to call it all those ways and even accuse him of things that are far from real

X: I did not enter the X Factor because of him and the silly girl

Demi: the silly girl is older than you, you are 17 years old, if you did not enter this year you could have entered the next ... but you will not have my vote if I am still here, because you do not treat with respect and you do not have empathy

X: I do not need your stupid vote, piece of shit!

Demi: you need education ... and please, I advise you never but never to belittle people's work, because I, Shawn, Camila and Simon have done everything to have what we have, but hey, it's achieved being a good person I wish you good luck in your life and I hope you change your ways of treating people, goodbye (he left there and I smiled at Simon before going to the exit to go to the restaurant)


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