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Demi: it's me

Simon: what?

Demi: I thought they warn you but it seems like they didn't

Simon: why are you here?

Demi: I have work to do, so we can talk later if I have time (the programme started and we saw all the contestants. Once it ended, I went back to my dressing room with Camila) I think they are all so good

Camila: yeah, it's gonna be difficult to pick the bests

Simon: Camila, would you let me alone with her some mintues? (He was angry and we both knew it, Camila asked me with her eyes If I was gonna be okay and I nodded)

Camila: yes sir (she got away and I entered my dressing room with Simon beside me)

Demi: okay, talk now or never

Simon: I can't believe that you're doing this once again

Demi: what are you talking about?

Simon: why in hell are you here?

Demi: I need work cause I lost a lot of fans so this is a good way to find new ones, but what's the problem with me working here again?

Simon: our friendship didn't end well

Demi: I know and I'm not here to make friends or to play a stupid paper with you...I'm not a 20 years old girl anymore, I'm 26 and I'm a lot more mature so don't come at me thinking that I'll be terrified and run away from here

Simon: I don't like you working here

Demi: OMG really? You don't know how bad I feel to hear that... I don't like to work with you either (he was about to beat something, he was so fucking angry)

Simon: you said you didn't come here to make friends, and I'm taking your don't cry then

Demi: look, you're so inmature Simon Cowell, I thought that we could have a good coworkers relation, but it seems like you're here to make my life a you really want that?

Simon: I want it, because you're so ungrateful right now, I just wish you were the 20 year old Demi, the one that was so kind and lovely

Demi: it happens that this little Demi that you're missing had an overdose some months ago and she almost died so yeah, she basically became a bitch cause her friends at that moment let her fell on her addictions again. And sorry if not that open with people anymore, but I'm pretty sure that I want to be careful in case I die in hands of my friends

Simon: you had an overdose?

Demi: I thought you knew it, yes...I almost died back then, actually I wasn't alive when the paramedics arrived my house, I stayed two weeks on a hospital bed healing a bit and then went to the rehab center for three months

Simon: I...I'm so sorry to hear that, I didn't know it

Demi: don't worry, for your bad luck, I'm still alive (he laughed)

Simon: I'm gonna go (he was at the door when he said, without staring at me) I didn't, don't and will never gonna want you to die

Maybe is not too late {Dimon} Where stories live. Discover now