Not a nice surprise

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DEMI P.O.V.: I entered to my dressing room, today it was the first day of this season of X Factor...I put my dress on with some heels and my stylist made all his work with make up and hairstyle. Once I was ready I left and went to the stage, there it was Shawn.

Shawn: hi!

Demi: hi boy (I hugged him) how are you?

Shawn: super good and you?

Demi: the same

Shawn: have you seen Camila?

Demi: no, have you seen Cowell?

Shawn: no, why?

Demi: cause I don't think he knows about me being a judge and I guess he's going to find it out once we are on stage, and that's not gonna be good. He basically hate me.

Shawn: why? I don't think so

Demi: our last time friendship didn't end good 

Shawn: but that was a long time ago, wasn't it?

Demi: yes but, it's kinda weird...everything

Shawn: how?

Demi: I sang here some days ago and he wasn't warned about it, he looked happy to see me but then he wrote a tweet that I knew it was about me...and it wasn't a good one

Shawn: I didn't see it, I will read it as soon as possible but I don't think he hates yo-

Camila: Demi! (She ran to me and hugged me tightly)

Demi: hi Mila

Camila: how are you?

Demi: fine and you?

Camila: much better now that I see you and this asshole right here (she hugged Shawn and I get some space away to make a phone call)

Demi: hi Selly, it's me, Demi...I'm gonna be on X Factor in 10 minutes, I'm a new judge...I just called to tell you that, I love you, bye (when I came back to where they were Mr. Cowell was there too)

SIMON P.O.V.: I was talking with Shawn and Camila.

Simon: this year we are just 3?

Camila: oh no, we aren't

Shawn: did they warned you?

Simon: they told me nothing, then who is the fourth judge?

X: It's me

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