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SIMON P.O.V.: I.Was.Shocked.

Demi: I don't care if you don't want to take care of the baby, but I think it was your right to know about it

Simon: I'm sorry (that's all I could say before going inaide the party. All the night I only stood sit on a sofa thinking. I fucked up)

DEMI P.O.V.: I went to my car crying and Marissa, Matthew and Sirah hugged me there.

Marissa: what happened?

Demi: he said nothing...he doesn't even care about it 

Matthew: he doesn't deserve you or the baby then...he's so stupid

Sirah: everything is gonna be okay...We'll rise that baby. We can do it alone

Demi: thank you guys so much (I hugged them and we went home)


I was laying in bed with Marissa watching TV when the doorbell rang.

Marissa: I'll go see

Demi: thank you

Marissa: it's nothing (I heard the door open) what the hell are you doing here?

X: is Demi here? (I knew who it was just when I heard his accent. I started to go downstairs as I heard everything)

Marissa: now you wanna talk?

Simon: this doesn't concern you

Marissa: it concers me more than you think (I got next to her and touched her back) oh no

Demi: yes, I'm here...please wait for me upstairs

Marissa: kay, scream if he wants to hurt you

Demi: I will, don't worry (she went upstairs) come in

Simon: thank you

Demi: and?

Simon: I'm sorry, I needed time to process everything

Demi: a week? I thinks is a lot

Simon: it is, but I am so confused

Demi: you are?

Simon: I was, sorry

Demi: tell me then, what are you doing here?

Simon: I'm here to tell you that I'll take care of that baby too...this is difficult because I thought that I'd only have children with Lauren

Demi: I thought I'd never have children

Simon: why?

Demi: cause thanks to my past I almost can't have childs...I couldn't get pregnant with Wilmer's son, never, and then you came and after one night, got me pregnant

Simon: that's weird

Demi: it is...but...whatever (I shrugged)

Simon: you're going to live with me and Eric

Demi: I'm not

Simon: you have to be protected

Demi: I'm pregnant not sick

Simon: (he nodded) can I?

Demi: no, cause you'll feel nothing...maybe in some months

Simon: are you okay? Do you need something?

Demi: no thanks, I have everything I need, but thanks

Simon: can I hug you?

Demi: yes, why not? (We smiled to each other and hugged)

Simon: ,I'm happy that I'm going to be a father once again

Demi: that makes me happy too, and being a mother to be, too

Simon: you're amazing (he stroked my hair) did you tell your parents?

Demi: no, maybe in some days

Simon: I want to go with you

Demi: I think it's better if you don't go

Simon: but-

Demi: maybe they'll try to kill you right there

Simon: okay, I won't go then

Demi: thanks (he went to the door about to left) oh and Simon

Simon: yes?

Demi: tomorrow at 6 p.m. I have my first appoint at the baby's doctor

Simon: I'll go with you, can I?

Demi: of course you can, you're the father (he smiled)

Simon: I'll pick you up then, have a nice day, goodbye

Demi: you too, bye



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