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SIMON P.O.V.: when we got to the car, Demi was standing there waiting for us.

Eric: Demi, where were you?

Demi: I needed air (she smiled but I know her so damn well I knew that she was not being honest with it)

Simon: let's go home, I have to go to a meeting

Eric: can I stay with Demi tonight?

Simon: no, you're a burden for her...we both are

Demi: sweetie, of course you're not a burden Eric (he smiled at her as we started our way back home) but we have to do what your dad wants

Simon: if she stays at home, you'll be with her...if she goes to her house, you will stay with a babysiter

Eric: that means, Harry and Zayn again?

Simon: yeah

Eric: Demi, please stay with me

Demi: I...okay baby, I'll stay with you tonight (we arrived home and she sat on the couch. I changed my clothes for something comfy and I went to say goodbye to them. They were watching a movie and eating pizza)

Simon: I'm going (they ignored me) hey, you both...I'm going

Eric: okay dad, have a good time, after the movie I'll got to sleep

Simon: okay

Demi: bye Simon (ouch)

Simon: I'll be back as soon as possible

Demi: yeah, bye (I left and stayed at the reunion some minutes, one and half an hour later I realized that I needed to talk with Demi, we were so weird...both of us, with each other. I felt the meeting some minutes before the end and entered the house. I heard silence and only saw Demi on the couch reading a book)

Simon: hey, I came back earlier

Demi: good

Simon: good?

Demi: yeah, cause I'm going to sleep (she stood up and started walking slowly to the stairs but I grabbed her arm)

Simon: can we have a decent talk?

Demi: I'm sorry, I don't want to (she was going again but I grabbed her arm so damn strong unconsciously) What you doing? (She looked scared at me and I knew that this was too much)

Simon: I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to hurt you Demi

Demi: can you please let me go?

Simon: yeah, sleep well

Demi: thank you (she went to the guests room and I went to mine. I was thinking about us almost asleep when the door opened some inches)'s me...can I-

Simon: is everything okay? (I sat on the bed and she nodded confused just two seconds before she started to cry. She ran to the bed and climbed in to hug me crying) shhh, what happens?

Demi: this is too much for me Simon, I don't know if I can handle it

Simon: what? Look at me (I put up her chin and dried her tears)

Demi: my mom hates me, I'm going to be a young mother, my fans will go crazy about it, ny career will be over, I'll look fatter and uglier than I actually do, I'm not even going to be a good mom...ugh, I hate me so much! (She started crying again and I made her seat in my lap as she cried in my chest)

Simon: I know you're scared...I'm too, but we can do nothing but keep holding on...your mom and you will work out, your fans love you more than anything and they'll always be there for you, no matter'll be the best mother ever, I'm so sure about it and plus, the most beautiful mommy, you don't look fat or ugly Demi, and you won't either (she looked at me) they people that says that are clearly blind, cause look at you...You're the most beautiful woman on the entire world

Demi: you say that out of pity

Simon: sweetheart, you have the brightest and prettier smile I've ever seen, those big eyes are all I need to see everyday til my death to be happy, that little nose right here (I tapped her nose and she smiled) is just perfectly sculpted, your hair is the little hands are so soft too, your akin oh my God, you have porcelain skin, your legs are the sexiest and your stomach as well...that tits that you consider little just fit perfectly with your body, that butt, oh shit- it can turn anybody on just by staring at it (she laughed and looked at my eyes) and that lips...that lips just make me insane (I smiled and she did too)

Demi: you're the best thing I have right now

Simon: you're too (slowly but firmly, she leaned in and placed her lips on mine on a sweet peak)

Demi: Simon...I think it's better if I go to sleep, cause we don't want Eric to- (I kissed her again) hey, don't make this harder (I smiled and nodded)

Simon: sleep with me here

Demi: stop with that (she hit my chest playfully)

Simon: I'm being serious, stay here with me tonight

Demi: mmm...let me think (she kissed me passionately and gave a peak on my lips before saying) kay, I'll sleep here tonight

Simon: and how about forever?

Demi: mmm...maybe (she said after getting under the sheets) can you hug us?

Simon: of course I can hug my loves (I hugged her from her back and she kissed my hand) sleep well

Demi: you too grumpy old man

Simon: shut up brat (she laughed and intertwined her fingers with mine. I don't want to say that I'm falling for her, but I'm falling for her)



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