Chapter 5

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Actually he fell in love Suman.

Ramnath's word continued to roam in her mind like a broken record but she was quite. Though her silence was intriguing him to know what's going on in her mind but he too kept quite because he did not trust his tongue. What if truth slipped? His plans would go waste ,right?

The car ride with her have never been so quite. She was a born chatterbox but only with him. With him she can talk about anything under the sun and he wont get bored. But today, she was in silent mode which made him regret his words.

After Ramnath left, Suman gave him look as if asking to explain.
"Umm Sumo, that's true but I was going to tell you like soon" he was nervous why? You ask. Because this is Shravan we are talking about who gets nervous only because of those ...(why should I tell? Let him, naa)

"Sumo, stop looking at me with those big big eyes they are making me nervous, please."

"Then tell me who is she? Why did you hid her from me? Wait! I get it you forgot about me because you found her right? I'm going Shravan, I won't disturb you again ever,enjoy your lovelife . bye. " With that said she started getting up but halted because of peals of laughter.

He was laughing like a mad man but his laughter melt her heart. How she missed this carefree laughing boy! His laughter proved itself to be infectious as she also cracked in between.

"Sumo! She holds something really special of mine that's my soul but you my dear best friend hold my heart as your second home."

'Best friend my foot! He friend zoned me. I hate you, Shravan. Let me just hold of you so called loved, I cut all her hairs, make her bald or will do some black magic and make her runaway and.......' The thoughts and curses would have kept going if she didn't notice the look on the strange expressions Shravan was giving her as if he was observing her, trying to read her.

You're mine - A Shraman FFWhere stories live. Discover now