Chapter 17

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Shravan was well settled at Tiwari Killa and best part of living in same house with her was spending lots of time with her and being able to admire her all the time as she walked around and commanded people like a Queen. He would also roam around with her sometimes doing as she asked him to or the other times he would sit working okay pretending to work and actually gawking her and her expressions as she crunched her nose, browed her eye brows, narrowed her eyes at someone or smiled at him. This all made him realize how much he wants this all to be a permanent part of his life but how? He cannot stay in Tiwari Killa forever. Someday he would have to move out. Then a light bulb shined over his head and he got a Mentos idea for a dream like life. He should marry her. But he has not yet proposed her.

On the other side of town, in Malhotra Mansion a really desperate and impatient guest of Malhotras was already ready with a plan in mind. He was not a slow and steady tortoise in this race. He planned a proper proposal for Suman while Shravan Malhotra was still stuck. But lets wait and watch who wins the race to propose and watch out whose proposal is better. Aditya got ready in a powder blue shirt as he knew how much she loved this colour but unknown he was to the reason.

"Chashmish tell me no which lehenga should I wear for the wedding."

"Sumo you're in Lucknow for the wedding and we're talking on phone. How would I tell you what dress looks good on you?"

"But Chashmish I'm confused. Pink, or green or Blue."

"Hmm. Generally you look Moti in pink. Nice in green but Blue suits you the most. It brings out the shine and bubbly nature of you plus the darker shades are like strong Sumo."

"Blue it is then. Thanks Chashmish, my life saver. Bye."


Suman was working in Tiwari Killa when she got a call from the banquet Hall for a check on the themes, and designs of decoration. She informed Mamiji and was going to go when Shravan said he wants to join. Who was she to refuse when her heart already melted at his smile? They left in car when Aditya texted her saying he needs to talk to her urgently. She told him about the trip to the banquet Hall so he should meet her there only.

Aditya was nearer to that area so he reached first and talked to the manager. He was eager to help with the money he got in return. Suman and Shravan reached the place.

"Sumo you go in I'll join you after parking."

She went inside and two girls standing at the gate started showering rose petals on her. She tried to talk sense into them but no use. They followed her to the inside while Shravan was stopped at the gates on inside hall by a man. Shravan saw Suman standing in the middle of hall with a smiling Aditya holding a big rose bouquet.

"Suman, I liked you since the time I saw you first time in college during that interstate competition. I passed it off as just a crush when I went back to Mumbai but when I met you again in Pushkar's Sangeet, I was blown. All those feelings of past were back. I was slowing falling for you as the days went by. I'm sorry I'm not one of those slow lovers who need years to fall and realize their love. I'm in love with you Suman. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Suman was shocked. She never thought Aditya had such feelings for her or was she ignorant much? She didn't know but what she knew was a broken phone belonged to the man who was looking at them with red and wet eyes. How could you watch a girl the one you want to marry and have a life with being proposed by someone else? It hurts. She saw him leaving. She was hurt. Can't he come to her and claim her as his. Just say once Shravan " You're mine." I'll be in your arms that instant.

"Suman? My knees hurt."


A/n:- What will Shravan do now?
As promised update on Friday.

You're mine - A Shraman FFWhere stories live. Discover now