Chapter 13

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Fight began.

"Do you have a map?"
"No, why?"
"I need directions to your heart."( Shravan)

"Are you a magician? Coz everything disappears when you are with me."(Aditya)

"So cheesy Aditya." (Shravan)

"You are like diarrhea. I just can't stop myself."(Aditya)

"That's eww Aditya". (Sumo)

"Are you a cardiologist? Coz only you can heal my heart."( Shravan)

"Are you a God-gift? Coz you're answer to all my prayers."(Shravan)

"Now you're also being cheesy Shravan." (Aditya)

"No that was sweet." (Sumo)

"Roses are red my face is too. That only happens when am around you."( Aditya)

"Roses are red. Sky is blue. Why  so low IQ!"( Shravan)

"I'm not a hoarder but I really want to keep you forever."(Shravan)

" Hmm nice one , Shravan. "(Sumo)

"Are you a camera coz every time I look at you, I smile."(Aditya)

"Guess what I'm wearing?"
"The smile you gave me."(Shravan)

"I should call you Google. Coz you have everything I'm looking for."(Aditya)

"I bet if I googled chipku your pic will come up."(Shravan)

"You remind me of a Russian doll, so full of yourself."(Aditya)

"Just talking to you makes my IQ drop"(Shravan)

"Arey not to each other guys. You have to impress me remember."(Sumo)

"Do you live in a corn field? Coz I'm stalking you."( Aditya)


"Your eyes are deep like ocean and baby I'm lost at sea."(Shravan)

"You must be hell of a thief  coz  you stole my heart from across the room."(Aditya)

"Is your middle name WiFi? Coz I feel a strong connection."( Shravan)

"We are not socks but we would make a great pair."(Shravan)

"I'm not drunk just intoxicated by you."(Shravan)

"I tried my best to not feel anything for you guess what? I failed."( Shravan)

"My doctor say I lack Vitamin U."(Shravan)

"Because of you I laugh a little harder, cry a little less and smiled a lot more."(Shravan)

"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll return with interest."(Shravan)

"Yes, Shravan you can."( Sumo)

"No Suman you can't. That's unfair."(Aditya)

"Come on Aditya. Its her kiss, she can lend it to me. Now be quiet."( Shravan)

"But who won?"(Aditya)
" Who won? "( Shravan)

A/n So guys who won? Who gets the kiss? Read and vote like really fast. Target 35 votes. And yes your inline comments too.


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