Chapter 16

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Shravan had a tough time deciding how to approach his parents but then the plan was made courtesy Sumo. Let the heart decide and let it flow. But something happened this morning. All day and last night he was hiding in his room but then this morning he wanted to go for a run. So he ran without any destination in mind. He reached the gates of Tiwari Killa unknowingly. So he went inside and knocked on the door their secret knock. She opened the door after two minutes and took him inside all sushed so that no one wakes up. He felt at peace finally.

"Shravan you're fine right?"

"Yes. I just needed some peace."

"You stay here I'll get coffee for you."

Shravan sat on her bed and she left. He was roaming his eyes around her whole room. It was so much her. It was home as if. He laid down tiredly and drifted into deep sleep soon. When Suman returned with his mug of coffee he was fast asleep so she let him.

After a few hours, Mamiji was going to Suman's room and Suman saw this. She was trying to stop Mamiji but she could not. Mamiji went inside and saw a very tired and messy Shravan sleeping on her bed. She forgot what she came there for instead panicked first.

"Oh God!"

"Mamiji please listen."

"No Suman. Not now. I by passed those pictures ( which Khosla sent next morning of Preeti bhoj) as nothing but this... For how long have you both having this affair?"

"What? no! Mamiji you're getting it wrong. Please let him sleep and come with me."

Suman dragged her Mamiji outside and took her in living room where Nanaji was sitting. She explained everything to both of them. Mamiji was as if overtook by some devil shouted for Preeti.

"M..mum..mummy. W..what happened?"

"Call Pushkar"

Scared she called and put phone on her ears but Mamiji took away and Preeti very well knew now Pushkar was gone if he said anything as he picked phone.

"Good morning my pastry. "

"Pastry? Are you still sleeping?"


"When will you learn to call me Mummy. And beware of person on the other side before opening mouth. Now listen, I want you to pack Shravan's clothes, other important stuff like laptop etc. And drop here at Tiwari Killa within an hour."

"Oh okay but why?"

"Mannerless kid. Do as I say."

Shravan had already woken up. He heard what Mamiji told Pushkar. First he laughed at his brother's fate then confused on what she asked him to do.


"Oh you woke up. Suman get some coffee for him and Shravan Pushkar is getting your stuff here soon. You'll live here from now on."

"But Mamiji why should I stay here?"

"Then where would you want to stay? That place where you'll neither be at peace nor home. You'll stay here that's final. I don't want any of my children to suffer like this. You've already suffered too much. I'm not your Mamiji just for name sake. I have seen you grow and you're as much my child as Suman and Preeti are."

Shravan was so overwhelmed because of her that he just strode fast to hug her. It was like a child finally found his mother.
"Thank you Mamiji"

"Thank you doesn't spare you from work. It's a marriage we're planning here. You'll have to work as well."

"Mummy? But Where will Shravan stay?" Preeti piped in.

"He is your to be brother in law at least call him bhaiya. And he will stay in your room. You shift with Suman."

"No way. Ain't calling him bhaiya. Doesn't suit him. Jijaji is way better. Right Shravan?"

"What?" Suman
"What?" Mamiji
"Ah!" Shravan
"Hahaha!" Preeti.

"We still have a problem. How will he adjust in a  bed so small. He already has to bend down to enter that door." Babulal said saving Shravan and Suman of the embarrassment and diverted Mamiji.

"Right! Suman call that furniture shop you have contacts with. Ask them for a bed for a 6'4" man."


A/n:- Here it is. As I said update first. I'm kind of planning a birthday week for myself. Want to be like those people who are self obsessed. Doing something for themselves. But what do I do to celebrate it ? Any ideas.


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