Chapter 18

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A hurt Shravan left the place leaving her and his car on roads. He was roaming on the roads lost. A truck was speeding towards him but he was unaware. Unaware of the world because he lost everything a few moments ago. He didn't wait for her to reply because he knew she would say yes. He had seen the comfort between them and how nicely Aditya treats her. He didn't wait for the last blow on his heart which would kill his already dying heart. The truck horned for him but he didn't hear and suddenly a powerful pull came over him and pulled him to the sides of road. It was a man. The man he had seen since childhood being grinded between his wife and father but still being able to love the woman Shravan loved. Her Mamaji. Mamaji held his hand and took him to where his wife was. What shocked Shravan and brought him out of the trance was Mamiji's slap.

"Don't you understand the simple logic of walking on roadsides? That truck would have hit you. Didn't you saw Suman's accident to be dreaded of such carelessness?"

"Sorry" he mumbled.

"You take the car Dabboo's father and go back. We will come by rickshaw."


"What happened, Shravan?"

"Nothing Mamiji. Let's go home."

"Where is Suman? She was with you no."

"She will come back later with Aditya."

"I see."

They took a rickshaw and went home. Shravan was quite all the way and Manju was thinking something. As soon as they reached, she asked Shravan to her room.

"I want to ask you something."

"What? Mamiji."

"Why don't you do that thing to her?"
This shocked Shravan. What was she talking?

"Wha...what thing Mamiji? And to whom?"

"Don't think I'm a fool! I know you like Suman. But I don't understand one thing, why haven't you done that thing to her? "


"Arey that where one goes on one knee and ask for marriage!"


"Yes! Propose. Propose before Aditya does."

"He did . Today."

"OMG! What did Suman say?"

"I don't know."

"You left her without knowing her answer. What if she said no but because you left she would have to come back with him. How awkward?"

"Shit! I didn't think she would say no."


"Mummy! Mummy!" Dabboo shouted from the hall. Shravan and Mamiji came down to see Dabboo holding a gift and saw a guy with Suman smiling at a squealing Dabboo. The guy was Aman, Suman's college friend.

"Aman! Is that you?"

"Yes buaji. Namaste!"

"Wow my son you grew so much."

"Aman bhaiya got me new toy car."

The whole family got busy with the guest as Shravan slipped out. Seeing him go in his room, Suman got apprehensive and confused. Should she tell him what happened or wait for him to ask? Meanwhile Mamiji asked her husband to talk to Nanaji.
After talking to Nanaji, Sameer goes to Shravan and gives him the briefs of what Nanaji had to say.

The family on Aman's recommendation got ready to do wedding shopping at his friend's shop in mall. Everyone was ready to go but Suman refused to come. She was still shaken by what had happened in the morning. But Aman forcefully took her with him.


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