Let Me Love You~ ICONic Boyz Fan Fic~

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Caution there will be swears violence and stuff in this story, so dont say I didn't warn you. 

 This is mostly about Mikey Fusco but the boys will also have their own little love stories too.

(I wrote this story a while ago, gave up on it, and then found the outfits I had planned for it, along with the dances, so I decided I would rewrite it here on wattpad) J

If you want here is the link to my original, but it sucks….


So this story will be better than previous one but not too much better…sorry L



Annie’s Point Of View


I was about 6 years old; I was on familiar looking porch. Me and a little boy were swinging on the porch swing. The Distance between the 2 of us was just inches apart. As we swung on the swing back and forth, it was completely silent, no one spoke a word.

“I don’t want u to move,” The little boy croaked as tears began to creep down his face.

I reached for the little boy’s hand, holding it in mine. His hands were so soft...

I promise I’ll visit every chance I get, just need to do a lot of begging,” I promised him, smiling.

The words just slipped out of my mouth, I couldn’t control my own words.

The boy laughed lightly, giving my hand a squeeze.

“I got you something,” He smiles back, warmly, before pulling something out of his pocket. I caught a glimpse of a shiny object.

It was then I saw what it was. He pulled out a beautiful locket. (Picture of the locket below)


I gasped. “It’s beautiful,” I was amazed, I have never in my life seen something so beautiful.

“Annie, I love u, and I want you to know no matter where you go, I’ll always be with you.” He spoke as he put the necklace around my neck.

“I can’t take this, it’s too much,” I said. No matter how much I wanted that necklace, I knew it shouldn’t be mine.

“My family has this tradition, whenever we love a girl, we give her this very necklace to the girl we love and if the girl keeps it, they love us too,” He spoke, hugging me from behind. “Do you love me too?” He asked.

My heart melted as he asked me if I loved him too, I knew my answer.

“I love you too,” I answered back, grinning. I felt like the happiest girl in the world.

“I promise we will meet again if it’s the last thing I do,” He spoke as he kissed my cheek.


“ANNIE, WAKE UP! WE GOT A PLANE TO CATCH!” My mom shouts at me.

I jump in surprise and fall off the bed.

“Okay mom!” I shout as I scramble up to get ready.

As I did my normal routine for the morning, I was thinking about my dream. Before, when I was little, I lived in Jersey.  I looked down at my necklace, twirling it around with my fingers. I wonder if my dream was true.

Let Me Love You~ ICONic Boyz Fan Fic~Where stories live. Discover now