Chapter 20

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Annie's Point Of View

5 years later...

"Wow, I can't believe schools almost done! I mean, can you believe it?" Kim exclaimed, full of enthusiasm.

"Yeah, but that means we're all heading our separate ways," I frown, nervously playing with my fingers.

"Well, did you know if you got accepted in NYU yet?" Rose asked.

"No, I can't hold out for much longer, what if I don't get accepted?" I freaked.

"Hey! You shut up! If you don't get accepted in to NYU, I'm positive Julliard would take you, in fact they would take all of us, we are just so talented!" Bianca exclaimed, with a big grin on her face.

"What about the boys? Aren't Mikey, Nick and Madison, waiting to get in to Julliard? And isn't Jamie waiting too?" Kim asked.

"Yeah, she is," Melly said.

"It's frickin torture!" Jamie complained.

"Well, Kim, sadly, you have to stay another year for senior year, but that won't be long, plus you still got Louie," Bianca smiled.

"Wait, so let me get this straight," Kim paused, "Annie is waiting for NYU, Mikey, Nick, Madison, Jamie are waiting for Julliard. So what about Rose, Bianca, Melly, Sarah, Jason, Vinny, and Thomas ?" Kim asked.

"Well, Rose and I are going to a local college in New York, to get a basic degree in whatever we are doing and Jason is aiming for Julliard but if he doesn't get in, he's coming to college with me," Bianca smiles.

"Thomas and I are just going to stay here for a year or 2, just earning some money before heading off to school," Sarah explained.

"And Vinny and are part times in the local college here, mostly earning money and maybe even helping Geo, since he's been in need of some choreographers," Melly explained.

"Oh my gosh, really!? So Thomas and I could help him too!" Sarah claps her hands, satisfied.

"I can't believe it," I sighed, "We're all splitting off, I mean, after 5 or so years of dancing together, we are splitting up," I sniffled.

Aww, come on Annie! Toughen up!

Everything was going good, I mean everyone was still dating the same person they were dating when they were 12. We were all going away to college, university, senior year or work, to become successful in the future with our jobs. I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday we all fell in love...


"How can you forgive me?" He asked.

"Because I care about you," I told him.

He smiled, leaning in and giving me a passionate small kiss.

He turned to me and pulled something out of his pocket.

"Annie, I know this is long overdue but," Mikey started, "But I love you Annie, I really want you as mine, officially this time and I know I made my mistakes but we worked it out, so Annie," Mikey showed me what he pulled out of his pocket... the locket, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked at his hopeful expression seeing nothing but love in it. I know he cares about me and that he wouldn't hurt me again.

This boy truly cares for me.

"I...I love you, Mikey, when? I'm not exactly sure when it started, but I know for a fact that I love you, of course I will be your girlfriend," I tell him, looking into his eyes, they seemed to shine in the moonlight.

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