Chapter 18

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Annie’s Point Of View

The next day

Melly was released from the hospital and we had to quickly grab our stuff together or else we’d miss our flight. We had 2 hours.

Since Melly has been released she was never left to be alone, we all agreed, even though her father was being sent to a prison all the way in Texas. We were all still worried. Melly didn’t complain either, she was more than happy to always have company. She was practically attached to Vinny’s hip. *wink *wink

As we got to the hotel room, we scattered into our rooms, Vinny following behind Melly.

“You do know we can watch her, right?” Kim informed him.

“Yes but I wanna be sure,” Vinny said. 

I rolled my eyes, “Chill out Vinny, we got her, now go,” I say, pushing him towards the door.

“Alright, alright, Hmph, I can tell when I’m not wanted,” Vinny huffed, he turned to Melly, “See you later, Mel,” He said, pecking her on the lips before heading out.


“Have anything to tell us, Melanie?” I asked, acting like a stern parent.

Melly slowly turned around, with the face of an innocent child who was caught trying to reach for a cookie jar.

“Uh- whoopsies?” She said, sweetly, with a cute little shrug.

I crossed my arms, giving her ‘The Look’, yeah that look.

“Okay, okay, um, we’re a couple sorta,” Melly shrugs.

“Sorta?” Kim asked.

“Yeah, he didn’t officially ask but when I woke up from my faint he was crying and telling me sweet things even though he thought I was sleeping and TA DA! Kiss number!” Melly rushed.

I broke out into a huge smile, looking at Kim, who probably looked just like I did, before rushing towards Melly like the screaming Teen I was.

“AAAAAHHHHH!!!! YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!” We screeched jumping up and down around her, while Melly gave us a strange look.

“Why am I friends with weirdos,” She whispered to herself.

I frowned, “ Because we are the sexiest weirdos you’ve ever met!” I argued.

Melly frowned.

“Let’s pack!” Kim jumped, and began to open up the suitcases.

We all headed to our areas and began packing.

I started off packing up my bathroom necessities. After finishing that, I started packing up my clothes in my little dresser and began to pack them into my suitcase, and then began to pack anything I left lying around on the floor. I never was neat freak.

As I finished packing, I was waiting for Melly and Kim to finish.

Melly huffed, “Help me,” She pouted.

I smirk, playfully rolling my eyes, before helping her pack- I mean stuff her clothes into her bag. 

Kim was lying on her bed, waiting for us to finish.

“Finally! Took you guys long enough!” She complained.

“Oh please!” Melly huffed.

I rolled my eyes as we rolled our suitcases to the main room to meet everyone else.

“Finished?” Mikey asked, walking up to me.

I nodded, looking over at Kim and Melly, who were already jumped by Louis and Vinny. Boys. *Roll eyes here*

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