Chapter 17

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Annie’s Point Of View


After our little cry fest, we quickly got ready for finale, fixing ourselves.

We joined the other girls to be harassed with questions, their worries were flattering and annoying at the same time. I saw Mikey looking over at me every now and then…

We all got on stage kICk ON twICe on one side and ICONic Boyz on the other.

“Well here we have it, right at this moment we will reveal the season 6 champions of ABDC,” Mario said as the dramatic music played.

I joined hands with my girls, “I love you girls,” I smiled.

“Love you too,” they said back.

“And the next ABDC champions are…”Mario began, opening the card in his hands.



“kICk ON twICe!” Mario exclaimed.


We all jumped around screaming in joy! I can’t believe we won! AAAAAAAHHHHH!! 

The ICONic Boyz had a small smile on their faces as Mario walked over to them.

“You guys might’ve not won but Mikey, tell me how you feel about this season,” Mario said, handing his mike over to Mikey.

“I- or we have made a lot of mistakes and changes this season that sadly, involved our friends kICk ON twICe. We messed up with change and we lost the people we really care about. They don’t trust us no more, but no matter what, we’ll always love you,” Mikey spoke looking into my eyes.

I froze, unable to think of anything to say.

Mikey handed the mike over to Nick, “We’ll keep on trying,” He nodded his head. I’m not sure he was talking about dance though.

With that said, they walked off stage.

Mario walked over to us.

“So ladies, how you feeling?”

Rose made a grab for the mike, “Unbelievable. I seriously had my doubts at times,” She grinned.

She handed the mike to me, “Shout out to StArFiGhTeRs! We did it!” I grin, hoping they could see us now, and see that we did in fact win for them!

“So are you ready for your final dance?” Mario asked as he handed us our trophy. 

“Definitely.” We grin, dancing to Written in the Stars by Tinie Tempah.

We used our best moves in this performance, pumping up the crowd with our energy, at the end of the dance we held up the trophy and took a bow, saying another thank you before walking off stage.

As we walked off stage, we were all high off adrenaline and confused with the boys and what they said earlier.

“Congratulations,” Mikey said, walking over to me, “You earned it.”

“Thanks,” I gave him a hesitant smile.

“Look, I know we aren’t in good turns right now, but maybe we can start off small? So what do you say? Friends?” He asked.

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