Chapter 14

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Ryan’s Point Of View

It was quiet, too quiet. My crew and our girlfriends were in the room. We just got the off the stage and found out we were all in the bottom 2…I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to hurt my girlfriend, but I don’t want to give up on something we tried so hard for! The girls were silently crying we did our best to comfort them but honestly, what else could we do?

“You aren’t going to just give it up without a fight, we need to stay fair,” Kim sniffled.

Christian nodded, “You too, you guys need to fight too.”

It was silent again.

“Sh-should we break up?” Annie spoke suddenly looking up at me.

My eyes widened. What? I promised I wouldn’t hurt her!

“W-what?” I stuttered.

“I mean, that way, we won’t feel pressured to go easy on each other. We all know that we care for each other a lot and we need to fight each other to get what we want. And like it or not, competition brings out the worst in people. I just, think it’d be easier if we broke up while battling…” Annie explained, sadly.

I thought about this. Do I want to hurt her? No, together or not, I would never want to hurt her.

“Do you think it would be easier?” Brandon asked.

“I think it might be a little easier, but not much,” Rose told us.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” I whispered into Annie’s hair.

“You won’t hurt me, you show me you care about me a lot every single day I’m with you,” Annie said, looking me in the eyes.

“So…we’re breaking up?” I asked, sadly.

“Maybe it’s better that way, no matter what, I’ll always care about you,” Annie said.

I felt tears rising in my eyes, I didn’t want to let go, but it was the right thing to do.

“Please fight, for me,” She whispered, kissing me on the cheek.

I nodded my head. I will always care about you, Annie.

Diego’s Point Of View

I wanted Jamie, but I also wanted her to avenge her break up with Madison. Seeing her hurt, seeing how badly affected her, pained me inside. She may try to hide it but somewhere deep inside, I know she cares about him and I don’t blame her, you can’t control your emotions. I love her, and because I love her, I’ll let her go.

“I think it’s best if we come to an end,” I tell Jamie softly.

“I can’t lose you too,” Jamie sniffled, making my heartache.

“You won’t lose me Jamie, you’ll never lose me, I’m always going to be there for you whether it’s as a lover or as a friend,” I tell her. “We both want to go after the same thing, and competition will be worse if we’re together.”

Jamie’s head falls onto my shoulder, “You are the best, do you know that?” She asked me.

I gave her a small smile, “You make me feel the best.”  I wrap my arms around her waist tightly, I held her as if it were the last time I would ever hold her again, and honestly, it may be the last time I do hold her.

Sarah’s Point Of View

Greyson’s been really quiet today; even before we found out we were in the bottom 2.

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